The Mirror
The Mirror
| 08 September 2014 (USA)
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There is a long-held belief that mirrors act as gateways to another dimension. ·Some also believe the looking glass plays host to a world filled with evil spirits. Such superstition has been the basis for ancient folklore legends about haunting and possession. And one tale about a supposedly haunted mirror was picked up by the media in 2012. Both the Daily Mail and Huffington Post reported on how the owners of a recently purchased antique mirror left them dogged by bad luck, financial misery, strange sightings and death-defying illness. Now writer/director Edward Boase brings that horrifying story to the screen starring Jemma Dallender (I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE 2), Joshua Dickinson and Nate Fallows (‘Whitechapel’) as flatmates who buy the same eerie antique on ebay and set up round the clock cameras in the hopes of capturing evidence of bumps in the night. You have been warned!

GazerRise Fantastic!
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
FJWWindsor There was something disquieting about The Mirror and, once I figured it out, it made the film completely preposterous. When I say disquieting, I don't mean "causing anxiety or uneasiness". More like annoying, bothersome. The characters say and do things that make absolutely NO sense, and they seem to do it in a vacuum. The three leads live in a condo/apartment building, purportedly in a hip urban area (London?), yet they are the ONLY inhabitants. They never run into neighbors, friends, relatives. In fact, there are only two other minor characters in the whole film! All the characters are injured with serious knife slashes and stabbings at various points, yet they don't seek medical treatment. You and I would probably get stitches, or at least seek professional healthcare attention. Not these folks! Gauze, cotton balls and alcohol are all they need. Not even antibiotics for what could be potentially infectious wounds.Eventually, the haunted mirror casts a pall on the apartment, supposedly filling every moment with dread for the occupants. Despite this, and some violent, tense moments, the camera man keeps filming EVERYTHING the WHOLE time. I wish Hollywood and the indie film industry would abandon documentary style horror films. Kudos to Blair Witch for being the first out of the gate, and the first Paranormal exhibited its own stylish flair, but the sub-genre has now become trite and stale.
Platypuschow When I came across The Mirror everything I saw and read about it was the epitome of hatred and dislike. Everybody slated the film left right and centre and this peeked my curiosity. I gave it a chance and found it immediately was fighting an uphill battle as it is in fact a found footage film. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with found footage films, my problem is that there are just so damn many lately........and most of them are terrible.The whole style of movie has enabled film makers with no money or experience to make a movie and it immediately puts it in a bad light for me.I don't even like the "Critically Acclaimed" Paranormal Activity series! Anyway within 5 minutes I was finding myself quite enamored with the film. Primarily because of the likable characters and the really quite good performances by the three young actors.It quickly became apparent that this movie was not going to break any new ground and would be a fairly standard predictable affair but the actors made these 90 minutes and limited script quite enjoyable.Now without giving anything away the movie does something quite unique. For the last 20 minutes I was finding myself almost wincing as I knew that something was coming, most likely a big jump scare. It kept me waiting in anticipation, it teased......and I liked it.Comparing this to the likes of the Occulus is foolish, you cannot compare a mega budget Hollywood blockbuster to a low budget indie film on the same scale. Take each movie for what it is and this really entertained me. Don't compare, don't put emphasis on its budget or unknown actors, just turn out the light and give this a chance and you may be surprised.If you want big budget, if you want big cgi and constant action then you won't enjoy this. If you want a well constructed, well acted and interestingly paced horror then give it a try.You like me may be
sforrester-3 This film seems to be full of big build ups that lead nowhere. Obviously it was shot on a very tight budget and, at times, they did manage to build the suspense but there was no pay off. We are all used to the sheer stupidity of people in horror films but these ones take it to a new level. **major spoilers** Their flat appears to be broken into, no call to the police. The guy goes blind (yes..blind!) and they tuck him up in bed with no call for medical help. They start off three happy flatmates until the mirror arrives, it all goes downhill and yet not until the end does it dawn on one of them to even try and get rid of it. One of them disappears, clearly in a bad way and yet they don't report him missing. The list goes on... I gave this a 3, mainly because the acting was passable and I did jump once but I will mourn the hour and a half of my life that I will never get back.
daimondgeezer The idea of having a camera looking at a Mirror 24/7 isn't actually a bad idea... Watching the first 20 minutes of this movie you will start to feel really uneasy at the idea that this movie is going to spend 90mins looking at a mirror with some crazy sh*t to follow.... Except it doesn't.... I don't understand the title MIRROR, because it has VERY little to do with it to be honest.... ...............SPOILER ALERT TO FOLLOW.....................The only thing that this movie has going for it is this.... It does make you wonder if the guy is schizophrenic and actually kills himself in the end..... (and kills the woman outside....) and therefore you wonder if any of the others existed.... how come he never calls the police or the ambulance when the accidents happen?...hmmm....
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