| 19 April 2011 (USA)
Skew Trailers

When Simon, Rich, and Eva head out on an eagerly anticipated road trip, they bring along a video camera to record their journey. What starts out as a carefree adventure slowly becomes a descent into the ominous as unexplained events threaten to disrupt the balance between the three close friends. Each one of them must struggle with personal demons and paranoia as friendships are tested and gruesome realities are revealed...and recorded.

TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
pmaheadquarters As far as found footage (which I watch a lot though frankly I'm beginning to wonder why I bother since there is so much garbage among the few decent films).The plot is somewhat familiar, three friends go on a road trip, one of the guys is in love with the other guys' girlfriend and blah blah. Then a "possessed camera" begins causing all kind of havoc.I didn't find it terrible though and gave it a few stars based on a somewhat original premise.As far as the dramatic reveal and ending which has caused much speculation, let me put it simply. Essentially the camera was possessed and anyone it filmed ended up dead. Simon even alludes to this being the case but hey, that's no reason to destroy it or anything. As far as the reveal, big deal at the end he rewinds the footage and we see his face in the mirror (for the first time) hence he too was damned having inadvertently filmed himself. Not something you have to go to Grad school to understand. Overall a pedestrian effort but I've seen much worse which isn't saying much for the found footage genre.
befoulmetalroosa It reminded me of The Ring-the US remake. When the students had their pictures taken after they'd watched the video, their faces were distorted like the faces in the videos Simon had taken. There, the similarities end. While The Ring blended psychological and visceral horror relatively well, this movie did not. In fact, Simon didn't even notice the distortions to his videos until the third set of 'victims' died. And he was the only one to see it. No one else could see his delusions, including the dead coming back after him. It wasn't until I watched him bludgeon his best friend's head in with his own camera that I realized that the delusions were based on guilt. When, at the end of the movie, he rewinds to the point where he was getting ready to leave for the trip, I thought I realized the truth. That he'd killed his ex girlfriend the same way he killed his best friend, just so that he could score with his best friend's girl, Eva. At least, that's what I got out of it. The only time you see his face is when he shoots it in the mirror in his bedroom of his shared apartment. Perhaps that's where the 'guilt distortion' originated. Kinda hard to tell, since the movie was pretty much all over the place, with no real sense of direction. Undoubtedly someone else would get something different from the movie. Who knows?
teliadavis This one is a thinker....i had to replay the ending several times because i needed to figure it out for myself. I'm not going to give anything away here, don't worry. But the ending is one that will have you debating with friends, analyzing and theorizing till the wee hours of the morning.The acting was pretty decent on the part of three no-names. I could really feel Simon's anxiety as the camera seems to take on a life of its own. He definitely has some issues. I love the fact that we never get to really see what Simon looks like throughout the film. The actors who played Rich and Eva were believable in that they were an affectionate couple being pushed apart by their paranoid friend.I agree with some of the reviewers on here who paid attention and that yes, it's not a found-footage film per se, it is just a film about someone filming. Right away everyone assumes it is found-footage just because the main character carries around a camera. Well-played! Although some parts seemed a little drawn out, i understand that this was intended to build tension and capture the feeling of truly being on a road-trip...sometimes there are moments along the way that go on and nothing super-adventurous happens...that's why this felt very realistic to me.Overall, I love the premise and I wonder if there could be a sequel somehow...would love to see the camera pop up in a pawn shop for some other unsuspecting victim...
Theo Robertson I just caught this on The Horror Channel and I'm somewhat perplexed what it was doing there . As the threadbare story unravels the possible horror element is people having distorted faces that led me to believe that I might be watching something along the lines of John Carpenter's THEY LIVE where a special camera alerts the viewer to alien infiltration and a scene of violence at the end but I doubt if SKEW is about alien invasions It's also a very boring film like so many lost footage movies . One can understand low to no budget producers using this format since it requires little money for expensive cameras , film and a star cast but many of us consider the art of cinema as telling a visual story and these type of movies usually revolve around realist situations that are so realistic you could easily make the same film on your I-pod In short this is very banal seen it all before stuff with guerrilla film standard production values . Unless I missed something it's not a horror movie and I'm very sceptical about other comments stating that you have to watch a couple of times in order to get it . I strongly doubt if I'll be watching this again
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