Lovely Molly
Lovely Molly
R | 14 September 2011 (USA)
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Newlywed Molly moves into her deceased father's house in the countryside, where painful memories soon begin to haunt her.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
znegative When I was about 10 or so 'The Blaire Witch Project' came out. I didn't see it until a few years later, but I remember that movie actually scared me. 'Lovely Molly' incorporates similar techniques to produce equal (or almost) creepiness. Some directors clearly have a vision in there head. Two examples that are obvious that come off the top of my head would be David Lynch, and Guillermo Del Toro. I think after seeing 'Lovely Molly' it's safe to say Eduardo Sanchez is that type of director too. Unlike most modern horror movies which rely heavily upon special effects, Lovely Molly is a very minimalist film. What makes it creepy is mostly the sound effects, which are great, as well as the atmosphere. I guess what Eduardo Sanchez has that other directors in the genre lack, is restraint. By not revealing much of anything, Sanchez allows our minds to fill in 'what's behind that door' etc.. When we do see the 'spirit', it's barely visible, but it's scary as hell.I'll admit the only reason I watched this movie was because I heard it was by the same director as 'The Blaire Witch Project'. Before I had heard that, it was just another movie in the 'Paranormal' category on my Amazon Shudder account, and to be quite honest, I usually do not like ghost movies. To my surprise, IMO this movie wasn't so much about some spiritual entity as it was about the impression of abuse left behind on a girl by her dead father, which was a lot creepier to me. That being said, I wish I had seen this movie before 'Magic Magic', which had similar themes, all though was less a traditional horror movie than 'Lovely Molly' which is why I liked it more. I think I would have rated this one higher if I'd seen it first, but it's still a good movie. If you liked Magic Magic and Anti Christ, you'll probably enjoy this one too. I liked it enough that I'm now going to rent his other movie 'Altered'.
fpike The movie "Lovely Molly" is a surprising film as it explores the deep dark crevasses of the human mind when experiencing trauma. The movie fluctuates between whats real and whats not and plays with your emotions through clever camera angles and techniques. It give insight into what it would be like to be a mental patient experiencing schizophrenia.Give this movie a chance, don't go in expecting a classic jump scare horror cause this movie plays with your mind. When the "demon" or "her imagination" reveals itself it is the most creepy scene. This movie gets under your skin. Which is hard to do but which is why the movie gets my recommendation because "Lovely Molly" achieves this.
Michael O'Keefe LOVELY MOLLY is a slow and smoldering ghost story about Molly(Gretchen Lodge)and her new husband Tim(Johnny Lewis)experiencing eerie disturbances after moving into Molly's deceased father's country home. Not really packed with a lot of gore, but pretty creepy all the same. Tim, being a truck driver, is away when Molly starts to hear unexplainable sounds and falls back into unpleasant past memories. The creep factor escalates as demonic manifestations makes this ghost story seem a bit convoluted. None the less, it gets a bit painful to sit and watch the characters not take a lot of effort to change the circumstances.Other players include: Alexandra Holden, Josh Jones, Field Blauvelt, Katie Foster, Kevin Murray and Camilla Zaidee Bennett.
jtrainor95 this movie had barely to-no originality to it but the funny thing is the director is reusing clichés that he created, so in retrospect he is being lazy and reusing his own ideas from his other films like Blair witch for example, or he decided to toot his own horn and show people how great he has at filmmaking by doing the same stuff in Blair witch. this film also had a lot of elements from Blair witch that were reused here, found footage, weird occult imagery, and a monster that terrorizes the protagonist. but the one thing this film did differently that was so stupid that even Blair witch did not do, was they showed what the monster looked like and it looked so stupid, it was this this demon like horse-goat headed really tall human bodied thing, to be honest it looked like a guy with gigantism wearing a stupid demon mask.