V/H/S: Viral
V/H/S: Viral
R | 21 November 2014 (USA)
V/H/S: Viral Trailers

As the streets of Los Angeles overflow with camera-wielding gawkers seeking to capture images of a bizarre police pursuit, the same people who sought to exploit the suffering of others for amusement on the Internet become the stars of a gruesome viral video from which no one gets out alive.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
lizday-40957 Having watched VHS and VHS 2 on a whim late one insomnia fueled night, and with no prior knowledge of them, I was pleasantly surprised by both. So had fairly high hopes for round three. Unlike the first two there were no good segments in this collection, not one. I love horror movies and have sat through many howlers in my time (I have seen all the Howling films) but this may well be one of the worst as it had such potential. The plot (what there is of it in these films) was ridiculous and made very little sense. The acting was really sub par too with no real convincing character development. When character development was attempted it seemed really forced and irrelevant. Such a sad finish to what started out as quite an original and entertaining trilogy. I wonder if they will make a fourth and redeem themselves?
view_and_review The first V/H/S was a nice addition to the found footage genre of horror movies.V/H/S part 2 was a feeble attempt to mimic the first but with far less credibility and creativity.V/H/S Viral looks like they just said screw it. It's aimless, pointless, scattered and doesn't even follow the established pattern that was laid down before.Being found footage was no longer a concern, being a video cassette was no longer a concern, and being done by amateurs was also no longer a concern. It seems like all they wanted to do was get more insanely weird and violent videos put into a movie. There were two good concepts with two of the vids but still not enough to save the movie.Everything is more unexplained than the first two movies: why are we watching this, where did these come from, are these actual events and more. If the mission was to be random, inexplicable and unpredictable; well mission accomplished. As for it being watchable... you be the judge.
Dorjee Wangyel I've seen all of the movies in this series, and I've liked them all till now. The first movie was very unique and intriguing whereas second one had a handful of good moments.I was expecting something like that with this as well. Sadly my expectations were far from being met. As a fan of the series, I can say that this movie is a disaster.Not a segment works at its favour. The wrap around deals with a guy riding around his cycle looking for his kidnapped girlfriend. It interjects itself a lot twixt the other segments. I guess this was interesting enough to keep me watching the whole movie.The 1st segment had a lot of laugh-worthy moments. It just is so bad. The acting, the direction, the plot, everything works against it. It deals with an ambitious magician losing his mind.The 2nd segment was mediocre at best. It deals with a guy who creates a machine that connects his world with a parallel universe, and everything goes awry for him. Had a handful of laugh-worthy and gross moments (if you watch it you'll see what I mean). Again the plot and the acting is mediocre here as well.The 3rd segment should not have been there. It deals with a group of skateboarding youngster being target of crazy cultists. The synopsis might sound interesting right? But it's the worst thing about the movie. It's laugh-fest wholly, there wasn't a moment I didn't laugh when watching this one because the acting and the direction was so horrible.I guess this is what they mean when they say "so bad, it made me laugh", because this movie gave me that same feeling. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a horror, but it'd be an enjoyable movie if you want something to laugh at.
Ken Freeman I have recently just discovered the V/H/S movie franchise. I thoroughly enjoyed V/H/S and actually liked V/H/S 2 more than the first installment. After a day of binge watching the first two movies, i decided to give the third installment, V/H/S: Viral, a shot. That was an incredibly poor choice on my part. V/H/S: Viral consists of 3 shorts (was originally 4 before one of them was cut for not fitting the film's "theme") and the usual wrap-around story. The first short, Dante the Great, was a blatant disgrace to the V/H/S franchise. This short wasn't scary at all and seemed to be a mockery of the whole series. The second short, Parallel Monsters, although not being that great, is the clear winner out of this trio of terrible shorts. Parallel Monsters wasn't exactly scary, but it had that disturbing sense of uneasiness displayed throughout the short that the V/H/S franchise has been known for. The last short, Bonestorm, is the closest short to match the form of the first two films. It consists of some unsuspecting people stumbling upon something disturbing (the usual concept). The only thing stopping this short from reaching the top of the charts, is the horribly annoying acting displayed by the characters. The wrap-around story, Vicious Circles, is so disgustingly incoherent and an absolute headache to follow that I actually had to reach out to the internet to find a dumbed down summary of this story. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone, it's an absolute disgrace to the franchise. If you're a fan of the first two V/H/S films, stay far, far, FAR away from this horrendous installment.