Girl in Room 13
Girl in Room 13
PG-13 | 17 September 2022 (USA)
Girl in Room 13 Trailers

A teenage girl is imprisoned by her former boyfriend in a motel room and forced to consume drugs and alcohol so she can be sold into human trafficking. Her only hope is her mother, who is determined to rescue her.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.