Breaking Wind
Breaking Wind
R | 27 March 2012 (USA)
Breaking Wind Trailers

A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon "The Twilight Saga."

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
MartinHafer I will admit up front that I did not finish "Breaking Wind", although I tried. The reason is that the film was probably the filthiest and unfunniest film I've ever seen...and it's the sort of stuff 6 and 7 year-olds would find funny but a sane parent isn't going to let kids this age watch the movie. This is because the jokes are NEVER funny and all I saw were jokes about a wide variety of sex acts, farting, people being bitten on the buttocks--and the barrage of this sort of stuff was CONSTANT. It wasn't funny the first time and it wasn't funny when they were repeated ad nauseum. And this is the basis for every supposed joke!! Now don't get the idea I am a complete prude--a movie can be a bit racy yet funny ("Step Brothers" comes to mind--it's crude but also funny). But this wasn't the least bit funny or clever and the shock value disappears immediately because EVERY joke was about the same small repertoire of material. It's really hard to imagine anyone getting paid to write this and I am pretty sure everyone in the film must have felt embarrassed because it was so incredibly unfunny and stupid. Overall, an assault on your intelligence and a film every bit as unfunny as cancer.I usually don't say things like this, but Craig Moss...NEVER write another film. Please!
MovieBuff-fest I hate the Twilight movies so much that I thought a parody making fun of them would be enjoyable. I was so wrong and so disgusted that I had to watch it at 2x speed just to force my way through it, hoping it would get better. Like the Twilight movies, it only got worse.The opening scene focused on some loser "breaking wind" and spouting the F-word a few times. (I hope that does not count as a spoiler.) This movie set an all time record for being the worst movie ever in less than 30 seconds.Every joke (and I use the term loosely as I was anything but laughing) was about sex organs, sex toys, sex positions, and sex motions. Throw in a few F-words to pace the dialog and use other profanities to drive it home and you have the entire movie, wishing that the DVD kiosk had not offered to rent it to you for $0.50 off the regular price as a means of "sucking" you in.The ONE joke I laughed at was a reference to the Sesame Street Count which was appropriate since I too was counting off the minutes wasted in SSC fashion.I could not wait for this horrible and disgusting movie to end, and you will hate yourself for wasting even 40 minutes of your life at 2x speed. To drag it out another 10 minutes (which was pointless since 99% of the audience had already left), fake fan reactions were added to the credits, hence the additional F-words.I gave it one star just to show I voted.
Tony Heck "This is all because of me...I'm the center of, me, me!!!" This is a spoof of the "Twilight" series. Spoofing parts of all 4 movies as well as many others. I have to start by saying that I am not a "Twilight" fan at all. I thought "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" was OK but the other ones I fell asleep in. I open with that to say that I would rather watch a marathon of all of them before watching this again. Most spoofs add parts of other movies in a spot where they make sense. This one felt like in the middle of a scene they were like...put this in, most of the time it didn't make sense. During a fight scene all of Johnny Depp's characters come out for no apparent reason. I thought that "Vampires Suck" was OK, but this was not. The only good thing is the very end when they show actual peoples reactions to watching trailers for ""Eclipse" and I only cracked a smile at that part. Overall, unless you like watching people fart and poop a lot I would avoid this one. I did however think the fact that they made Jacob a fat guy was kinda neat. This is not a good movie at all though. I give it a D+.
Anestin Jason OK, so I just made an account to do you a favor & let you know, that this movie, absolutely, SUCKS BIGTIME! It is actually worse than any part of twilight, it is not funny, it is not sexy, it is just lame & disgusting.To begin with, it isn't just a parody of Breaking Dawn, it is a parody of various chosen scenes of Twilight 1-4. And the irony is that it covers the least content from Breaking Dawn. But that doesn't really matter, because nothing could save this crap of a movie. Most of it's "funny" scenes are about farting or large penis/vagina jokes. Clothed sex scenes. And lame cameraman-knock-on-the-actors-face scenes. There was just one or two funny scenes that made me laugh, but they weren't worth the rest of the crap.Don't waste your time with this, watch literally anything else.