Hot Enough for June
Hot Enough for June
| 01 January 1964 (USA)
Hot Enough for June Trailers

A young man travels to Prague to join his new employer, unaware that he is being used as an espionage courier.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Wizard-8 Although "Hot Enough For June" (a.k.a. "Agent 8 3/4") was sold as a spoof of James Bond and spy films in general, the movie isn't really a comedy. It is closer to a drama with a number of lighter moments. Though the movie did surprise me in being much more serious than it was advertised, I have to admit that I enjoyed it. The lighter moments are a welcome addition, giving the audience a few chuckles and stopping the movie from becoming too dry and serious. The otherwise serious tone of the movie is also well done. The movie doesn't stay long in one location, which keeps the movie moving at a pretty brisk pace. And when things start to get very serious for the hero, with his life being at stake, I have to admit that I was pretty captivated. It also helps that the character is pretty smart instead of being an idiot. Maybe the end results won't stay in your mind for a long time after the end credits start rolling, but the movie is engaging from the opening to the end.
Nicholas Rhodes I recorded this years ago on the UK TV during a "Dirk Bogarde Double Bill" together with the "Blue Lamp". Whilst the latter has since been issued on DVD ( Many of Bogarde's films fortunately have been ), someone, somewhere has forgotten this one. As it is so entertaining and colourful, I just cannot understand why. This is exactly the sort of film you need on a rainy miserable Sunday Afternoon to cheer you up. It blends Light Comedy, Fairly Exotic Sets, Sexy Ladies, Across-The-Iron-Curtain spy capers and features among others the great RObert Morley ( always irresistible ) and Leo McKern. The plot is original and unexpected. There is a fair amount of suspense and memorable scenes. My copy is getting slightly worn out and I should dearly like to find it on DVD. The UK is probably the only place it will be issued if ever. The title refers to the password that Bogarde must use to make contact with a spy in a Czekoslovak glass factory.
MARIO GAUCI Despite occasionally amusing passages this engaging spoof of the nascent spy genre is, however, perhaps not memorable enough to be more than an agreeable time passer.Still, the cast is willing: for most of the film's second half, Dirk Bogarde - playing an unwilling British spy - is forced to sport several ingenious impersonations (waiter, milkman, a typically Bavarian villager, etc.) to evade the pursuing Russian agent Leo McKern. Robert Morley is McKern's British counterpart (but posing as a diplomat) and John Le Mesurier (playing one of Her Majesties' top secret agents) appears in the film's very first (and arguably best) sequence: stopping at what seems to be a reception desk, he proceeds to place on it every kind of gadget one could think of before proclaiming that one of their best agents had been killed and, soon enough, a card showing "007 Deceased" appears on the screen! Sylva Koscina, playing McKern's Ninotchka-like daughter (who also poses as Bogarde's chauffeur) adds the requisite element of sex appeal to the mix when she becomes enamored with her "boss". Another funny sequence takes place when Bogarde is asked to try out an indestructible glass fabric (the work of a German inventor) by throwing a large rock at it; sure enough, the rock bounces onto the floor when it hits, but as they start walking away, the sound of shattering glass is heard on the soundtrack which prompts the Russian factory owner to hiss "You Nazi swine" to the dumb-founded inventor!
wsfm671 "Hot Enough for June" started as a funny sendup of the Bond movies of its day, but by the end had metamorphosed to a nice combination of suspense adventure and romantic comedy. I wish it was available to see again.