| 24 August 2014 (USA)
Extinction Trailers

Deep in the Amazon jungle a group of scientists are on a dangerous mission. When their guide suddenly abandons them, they find themselves in a savage and hostile environment. However, things turn deadly when they find they are in the middle of a hunting ground for a pack of prehistoric predators long thought extinct.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
andrew salisbury i sat through over an hour of this movie before something finally happened, and even then it wasn't worth it. the dinosaurs were animatronic rather than cg, and were very poor ones too. the found footage style certainly didn't help matters either, with way too much shaky camera shots making it difficult to know what was happeningto sum up, it's basically a bunch of unlikable characters walking through the jungle for days until they get attacked by some very bad looking dinosaurs that wouldn't scare Fred Flintstone. maybe they should have put him in this movie, it may have made it more watchable, but don't take my word for it.
mattsilvey Wanted to waste some time and I most certainly did!! Shame a lot of low budget films nowadays (and this seemed very much like one!), seem to want to film in a self-filmed view! This film is not worth wasting your time on I'm afraid! Sometimes you get a lower budget gem and its worth it, like tremors, but this isn't anything great! I'd rather watch Cloverfield and thats saying something! Have given it 2 stars because I'm sure I've seen worse, but shut it out of my memory, and it did waste a little time (although not the running length of the film because fast-forward was used!! Thought I'd give a real review rather than sugar-coat it!!
superman1 The success of a film like this depends as much on your expectations as the film. Being a monster born of the Blair Witch Project so long ago, 1999. you know it will have long stretches of nothing happening, and you will be lucky to see much of the monster, but should have realism beyond any 'fiction' film to compensate. And this one has the advantage the monsters were real, a long time ago....in a world where we live. In this film it would be inexcusable not to show the title monster. But I also had fairly high expectations, along with a willingness to go along for the ride.The best feature was the high realism throughout of the characters and what happened, allowing for believability and actual tension, as well as the inevitable tedium.Real tension and fear is created with sounds. So, given this documentary-type film's realism, anticipation of the dinosaurs in this was different than any Jurassic Park. It was increased, because it was more real. So I anticipated that when the first dino appeared the reality would go bye bye. And though it threatened to at first, I employed my motto I just made up now - forgiveness is its own reward - and the later encounters easily verged on utterly believable. Maybe my expectations included I really wanted to believe it. Plus the fact I kind of like Raptor Island and the recent dino movies of CGI dinos, for the fun of it, and even the mid-90's Carnosaurus trilogy. Yes, I wanted my belief to have the gravity of a real dinosaur, while my suspension of disbelief was lifted.Even better for me was that it took me a long time to figure out how it was done. Maybe my desire to believe got the better of me. Like this sub-genre of found footage should be: The maxim of maximum potential in most limitations. Was this CGI? It looked so solid. Was this a stroke of genius? But later, two lines lifted from Jurassic Park disappointed me and took me out of this movie. Until I realised the filmmaker was not just taking; he was adding. He knew what he doing I think, because of the new contexts, or outcomes, he put them in. So he gave a couple of nods to the original best, while looking at it - in the other direction.Unlike the other E film, or Ex film - Exists, a FFF about BigFoot - these creatures were done largely in the day, I'm thankful for. The filmmakers mostly took care to maximise them being believable. Likewise, the peoples' realism and fear was maintained, but also increased. Right til after the end and even beyond it. I for one would like to see the sequel!On a final note, though this film, like all the others, did not fulfil the holy grave, err grail, of a dino actually eating a person how it would be, that Jurassic Disney Park should have done first, it may have come the closest a couple of times.
eric_ccj77 Yet another home video style movie. The acting is just awful. Had to wait an hour to actually see a dinosaur and even then it was just a nose. Was the most boring crap movie I have ever seen. An hour and forty five minutes of my life I won't get back. The bloke behind the camera was irritating. The film just dragged on and on and on. There was no adventure in this movie. I wish I never bought it. Big mistake big huge. My advice don't bother watching this pile of crap. You're better off Tuning over to syfy channel. Do I actually need to continue with my thoughts on This awful film. It looked so promising and the heading made the film look brilliant but It was totally the opposite. Very disappointed