The Dead
The Dead
R | 07 October 2010 (USA)
The Dead Trailers

When the last evacuation flight out of war-torn Africa crashes off the coast, American Air Force Engineer Lieutenant Brian Murphy emerges as the sole survivor in a land where the dead are returning to life and attacking the living.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
joancalkins-18345 Just to give you an idea of my investment in Zombie genre movies, 50 years ago in 1968 I saw " Night of the Living Dead" (1968) at a drive-in theatre and I was hooked for life. Few have come close to that classic and most attempts have failed miserably. "The Dead" (2010) and "The Dead 2" (2014), both directed by the Ford Brothers, give zombie ophiles hope that the genre is on the rise. Both are a return to the classics~~~ Slow moving, devil-blue eyes, body parts everywhere; There is no discussion of why, or how, or zombie patient-zero, or antidotes, no attempts at humor, or any of that nonsense. The stories are simple~ Man racing to find their loved ones while battling the Undead. The Ford Brothers have mad skills~~~ excellent casting, visually appealing, understanding that less is more in the dialogue dept; Both movie's endings shared a special "Fordism" by showing the viewer that the protagonist's end is imminent...OR IS IT?
LawlessReviews Minor spoilers may follow, This movie had few high points to offset what was overall a somewhat lackluster outing for a zombie flick.The story follows Rob Freeman's character (Lt. Brian Murphy), who after surviving a plane crash off the coast of Africa, must make his way across the African landscape, in an attempt to find a way out. On his journey he meets up with Prince David Oseia's character (Sgt. Daniel Dembele) who is on a mission of his own; to find his son.The movie's premise, although very promising, fails to deliver. The movie does a good job setting up the atmosphere of the situation, but pacing issues, as well as a few dead zones tend to cause it to drag on a bit.The 2 lead stars of the movie Rob Freeman and Prince David Oseia are likable enough characters, each with their own quest ahead of them. However, sub-par acting from both cause a few cringe inducing moments that make it hard to really buy into their characters plight.The true stars of the movie are the Zombies. They have done a truly wonderful job retaining the Romero"esque" features of the zombies. The makeup and movement of the zombies are very traditional and one of the few highlights of the movie.The setting, although beautiful, does not really add to the overall ambiance. Finally, the story, although very traditional in the zombie movie landscape does not offer anything new, exciting or even unique to the genre.Final verdict, my review on this movie is based on "my" overall experience with the movie, which in no way means the movie will and has not been enjoyed by many others. If you are looking for a different zombie movie, then perhaps give it a try. However, if you are not completely into this genre then perhaps skip this one.CL
begob After surviving a plane crash, a white engineer fleeing the chaos of zombie-torn sub-Saharan Africa gets swept back into the danger zone, where he teams up with a black soldier in search of his lost son.The sense of the vastness of Africa with its little localities is well done. And I love the idea of zombie picaresque, with a sequence of odd encounters under the constant threat of slow moving brain gobblers.But this is not good. It runs 20 mins too long, was probably 150 mins before editing, suffers from a plonkish story structure, and sucks diesel for characterisation and dialogue. The opening half hour is uncomfortable in its assumption of colonial values, and I'm not far off calling it racist - although it does become more humane when the soldier enters. A concept with so much potential, but every trick of story telling is missed.Impossible to judge the actors when they're ordered to deliver such drek. At least it didn't sign off with the US army saving the day.The music is beautiful.Overall, a disappointment after the combined IMDb and meta- scores.
imacarguy I'm not generally a fan of the horror genre, but I DO like zombie movies. I found the plot of this one interesting and the setting to be refreshingly different. While there are some good scenes, one of which will really pull at your heart strings, most of the movie is cliché' ridden and predictable. What to me is most annoying AND inexcusable are characters that are stupid, yet have thus far survived the zombies. I can recall at least six such instances in this movie alone. As much as I'm empathetic TOWARDS the main characters, their repeated stupidity almost makes me want to root for the zombies! See this one only if it's cheap or free and/or you want to make sure that you've seen yet another variation on the zombie theme.