The Dead 2: India
The Dead 2: India
R | 22 August 2013 (USA)
The Dead 2: India Trailers

An infectious epidemic spreads through India as an American turbine engineer learns that his pregnant girlfriend is trapped near the slums of Mumbai. Now he must battle his way across a 300mile wasteland of the ravenous undead.

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Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Páiric O'Corráin The Dead 2: India. Sequel to The Dead, which was set in Africa. A savage film. Indian soldiers dispatch anyone who is bitten with a bullet to the back of the head. What looks like a Zombie Mother Teresa attacks and bites. Children devour their father who has come to save them. The newly buried dead disturb the earth as people make their way through a graveyard.These Zombies are slow-moving, reminiscent in some scenes of Romero's original Night Of The Living Dead. Our hero is an American engineer working on a wind farm when the outbreak occurs. He needs to get to Mumbai to link up with his pregnant Indian lover. Accompanied by a young boy he travels across the desolate landscape. 7/10.
trashgang Sequel to the much acclaimed The Dead (2010). On part of the effects when the zombies are biting in the human flesh that's okay. But what do makes it a bit cheesy is the fact that the main lead comes in contact with an orphan and takes him on his journey to save his girl.Even that, that an American man falls for an Indian girl makes it awkward. Not that it isn't possible but she's pregnant of him and of course the father doesn't agree because he's deciding who she's going to marry.So when the dead finally attacks India he has to save her an take her home to the US. And the orphan follows him all the way. That could deliver some nice action but it wasn't. Once the orphan is saved this flick becomes better especially the railroad scene with the crashed car. Still, it isn't a bad flick due the way it was shot, excellent of course just like in part 1. Can't say that I was sitting on the edge of my chair, not really any suspense. A bit of Romeo and Julliet story combined with those damned biters. But the main question is, how many bullets can a gun take?Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3,5/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
Uriah43 "Nicholas Burton" (Joseph Millson) is an electrical engineer who is currently in India working on wind farms. His girlfriend, "Ishani Sharma" (Meenu Mishra) has just told him she is pregnant and he is determined to go to Mumbai to see her as soon as possible. Unfortunately, a zombie epidemic has suddenly erupted which seriously jeopardizes everything. Now, rather than reveal any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film greatly resembles its predecessor in a number of ways. Although there is only a slight connection to the original film I actually think this sequel is slightly better because it adds more of a human element. However, just the like the first film it is a dry zombie picture with absolutely no humor or anything else which deviates from the horror at hand. And while I have no doubt that true zombie fanatics will appreciate this movie, I also think that it might appeal to other viewers as well because it isn't one of those cheap-looking zombie films by any means. Accordingly, I rate it as slightly above average.
alshwenbear1 Regardless of the similitude of the plot with the first one, this time it becomes an emotional journey.I won't spoiled for the ones that haven seen it, but for those who already did ... how messed up, I mean the scene of the car next to the railroad! I saw it coming, still shock me up! Even thought our heroes Nicholas and Javed seemed not to learn from their mistakes, we keep roting for their survival, and that is what a good movie manage to convey, a real connection between the viewer and the characters on the screen,(hopefully the Ford Brothers make it big on the movie business).The cinematography is excellent, the main actors deliver, and the writing is good enough and the directing is superb. So to the ones I review badly, watch this one, you may learn something, and for the ones looking for a good zombie-movie, "The Dead 2: India" is one to be seen.