Garm Wars: The Last Druid
Garm Wars: The Last Druid
| 05 October 2015 (USA)
Garm Wars: The Last Druid Trailers

In a world where clone soldiers from three military tribes are locked in a perpetual battle of air, land and technology, one clone is separated from the battle and finds herself on the run with a group of unlikely companions.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Simon Hunia An extremely low budget film, oh wait, it's not even worthy of being called a film. Extremely bad CGI. Very difficult to follow along with the "story." Very impartial story development and absolutely no character development whatsoever. The moment you start watching, well, you have no idea what it is that you're watching. The movie starts as if it's already halfway through the "film." Do yourselves a favor and go watch some SpongeBob or...something else other than this. This is definitely not worth anyone's time. For anyone who does consider watching it or has already watched it, congratulations, you've wasted 1 and a half hours of your life that you won't get back.Ps, wrote this review during the film. That's how boring it is.
TRex ** Shows what can be done with some imagination and creative thought at quite a low budget ** The most amazing CGI movie I have even seen, nice locations, great soundtrack and even the acting wasn't bad. If only they had made it more intelligible... Don't watch this if you like linear plots and fast paced action, some of the scenes are there just for their visual beauty, long pauses between the dialog for no real reason. The voices can be muffled at times and hard to make out what the characters are saying.But full marks to an amazing vision brought to life. I'm going to watch it again (mainly to try and figure out what actually happened, but also to appreciate the artwork :)
pokepud The movie is a great watch for those who like anime such as ghost in the shell or last exile. The cinematics are amazing, and quite frankly some of the best 3d cgi i've seen period. They mix in real people and cgi in such a way that you can't tell them apart. In fact the humans seem like cgi sometimes.The story takes a bit of patience to get into, but once you get into it, it will unravel really fast gripping you in. You'll pretty much be enjoying it up until it ends. It definitely needs a sequel as it left room for one. The music soundtrack is quite emotional and epic, which is one of the most memorable parts about this movie. If you like sci-fi, anime, or just want an entertaining flick check it out.
Alex van Beek OK so this film is insane. For two reasons:1- for being utter nonsensical fantasy gibberish 2- for investing as much time, effort and money into developing such a bonkers story into such an amazingly vivid spectacle of CGI beauty.Nothing about this film made much of any sense to me. I've just finished watching it and literally have NO idea what a Garm is. Absolutely none. I understood nothing about this film other than some mad old bloke and some woman with a gun were on the run, accompanied by some other bloke with an unreasonably large gun.Now, I said this film was visually beautiful, and it is. There are some breathtaking scenes in it. Unfortunately, to balance that out and reinforce the rating of a majestic four that I have given it, they have countered these high action scenes with two really, REALLY long scenes of the aforementioned people just sitting on their buttocks discussing the also aforementioned nonsensical drivel. So the only way I would recommend this film to you is if you were really high, and even then I would suggest fast forwarding through the beach scene and any other time they seem to be too focused on the act of talking. The only strength of this film lies in its aesthetic beauty and I will admit the dog was the only element of bafflement that I found entertaining...and if you aren't high, then do yourself a favour and pick any other film in the world.