City of Rott
City of Rott
NR | 08 August 2006 (USA)
City of Rott Trailers

Desperately losing his mind while searching for a new pair of shoes, an old man and his trusty Walker wander the City of Rott, saturated with thousands of rotting zombies, driven to feed the blood-hungry worms residing in their skulls.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
ghost-9 Frank Sudol has done an incredible job of making an animated movie by himself and it looks somewhat reminiscent of a Cannibal Corpse cover throughout. I was initially attracted to Sudol's artistic style but quickly became bored because of the repetitiveness of the movie. While this would have been fine as a 5 or 10 minute short, there just wasn't enough story to fill a movie length feature and it became almost unbearably boring to watch. I'm sure there will be those that watched it with friends and maybe under the influence of chemicals, they will have found it to be hilarious or entertaining but as I watched it sober and alone, I really felt it needed to have been a short feature only.
magic-ball "City of Rott" is an independent animated zombie movie which (if Google is any indication) is an extended version of an online movie of the same name.As you'd expect from an indie film, production values are limited. The animation takes a while to get used to. The music is repetitive and the voices aren't great. All of this comes with the territory, I suppose. In fact, the entire movie was done by a single guy - Frank Sudol. While the effort can be lauded, and its humble origins to DVD is impressive, it can't make up for the overall lack of quality. As per most zombie movies, it's rather bleak and cynical. The main character is an apparently senile geriatric named Fred who talks to his walker (which apparently talks back). Fred is motivated, despite the unfurling apocalypse, to find a comfortable pair of new shoes.The movie's biggest weakness is that even at 77 minutes, it's too long. There's just so much that didn't need to be in it. It's boring. I'm a fan of the genre and I couldn't even bear to sit through it in its entirety. There is gore, and it is a liberal amount. Unortunately, they're the same boring gorefests over and over again. Even the movie breaks the fourth wall about this; in one zombie-killing sequence Fred says "Hey, didn't I kill you before?". Inbetween these fights Fred talks to his walker and and roams the streets aimlessly looking for shoes. In a few of these "plot" sequences, there is candid discussion of deeper concepts such as struggling against inevitability and Fred's shortsightedness, but these are fleeting and don't make a lasting impression. I suppose the shortsighted journey for comfort in the setting of a larger crisis might serve as a parallel for modern life, but it's probably just seeing too much into it.If you want to see unapologetically tasteless zombie violence with a unique presentation, don't mind a heavy dose of tedium, and happen to see it somewhere, you might want to rent. Otherwise, stay far, far, away.
EVOL666 I wasn't expecting too much out of CITY OF ROTT so I can't say I was disappointed. When I initially began hearing about it awhile back I was expecting a bit more, but once I uncovered more info on it, I was prepared for the stylized but somewhat juvenile-looking animation and "silly" storyline.Fred is an old guy who talks to his walker and is roaming around a zombie infested city looking for a new pair of shoes. His old ones aren't holdin' up anymore, and he's willing to risk infection to find some new kicks. The zombies in the city are caused by worms that infest human brains and take over motor-function, reanimating people in search of more food. Fred maintains through all this, cuz he's pretty kick-ass at wielding his walker as a weapon, and is also pretty efficient with any weapons that he comes across along the way. Fred ends up meeting a few other "survivors" at different intervals along the way while still avoiding infection - until the last third of the film where everything takes a slightly out-in-left-field "twist"...CITY OF ROTT is entertaining enough for the most part, but I can't say that I really loved it either. It dragged at certain parts and many kill-scenes were repetitive - the whole production had a video-game-like feel in the way that the story and action played out. There's plenty of animated splatter on hand but I found the storyline hard to get into. Definitely an interesting film as you don't see too much American made "adult" animation - and definitely nothing as gory as this - so to zombie, animation, and splatter fans - I'd definitely say that it's a one-time "must-see" - but I'd suggest a rental, not sure how much re-play value this one has...7/10
KentKarma If you have not yet seen City of Rott, rent it before you decide to buy it. First let me tell you about City of Rott and its general storyline. You are introduced to Fred, an elderly man with a walker. You'll be confused right off the bat as to why hes speaking without moving his mouth all the time. You'll realize this is because he speaks to his walker. I found this very tiring to watch, as any time you do not see his face, you may get confused in mid sentence, who's actually speaking until someone is addressed. However, lets continue with..what is Fred doing? Fred's journey through out the entire 77 minutes will revolve around finding new slippers as he expresses early on, his current ones are aching his feet.Now if you're a zombie movie fan or just like gore, you'll enjoy the countless zombie dispatches. The movie is meant to be funny as well, so those looking for a serious zombie movie probably should stay if the fact it was animated didn't give this away anyhow. The movie does take an interesting turn towards the end but unless I am ignorant or something, its a very stale end. After it is all over with, I give this movie a 5 out of 10. It is not a terribly bad movie. It kept me interested through most of it. There were parts where hearing Fred speak constantly grew old and slightly annoying. The voice acting all together seemed pretty uninspired. Notably, a girl character's voice was not that of a girl and seemed like it was a man's voice with the pitch raised. Zombie fans, take this with a grain of salt. Those who aren't, maybe this isn't for you.