The Worm Eaters
The Worm Eaters
| 12 April 1977 (USA)
The Worm Eaters Trailers

Herman Umgar, a German hermit, has an ability to communicate with worms. One day the mayor of the town runs him off his property, so in revenge he plants worms in everybody's food. However, these worms are a special breed of mutant worms from the Red Tide, and when the people eat them they are transformed into giant worms themselves. These worm-people also become Herman's slaves. What will the remaining do?

Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Scott LeBrun Writer / director / star Herb Robins (the creepy carny in Tobe Hoopers' "The Funhouse") concocted this inane cult horror-comedy that may well have been inspired by Jeff Lieberman's "Squirm". Robins plays Herman Umgar, a German hermit residing on highly coveted lakeside property which the uber-sleazy local mayor wants to develop. But Herman will get his revenge. It so happens that he can communicate with worms (!), and when he infects the towns' food supply with toxic worms, people end up turning into half-human, half-worm hybrids!No-budget quirky stuff isn't as much fun as the B movie aficionado might like. It runs an hour and a half, but one can't help but wish that Robins had cut down a lot of the offbeat character detail; it takes this simple flick too long to get going, and the humour pretty much runs its course before long. As a director, Robins seemed to have encouraged his cast to go way over the top, whether or not the scene really calls for it. Still, Robins does know how to push SOME buttons: the most memorable images occur when people are chowing down, and he inserts close-ups of worms in peoples' mouths. Always a good way to gross an audience out. The special effects are hilariously crude.All in all, there's a certain gleeful childishness about the whole thing, certain to make children and more immature adults giggle. The opening credits are accompanied by one of the most insidiously catchy ditties ("You'll End Up Eating Worms") that one is ever likely to hear. Robins doesn't deliver as good a time as these credits would seem to indicate, but it's hard to completely knock B pictures with these kinds of wacky premises. If you enjoy "Squirm" (whether ironically or not), you may be amused to some degree by this ridiculous nonsense.Produced, and distributed, by Ted V. Mikels, himself a somewhat big name when it comes to similar entertainment ("Astro-Zombies", need I say more?).Six out of 10.
Cody Gearheart It's not a gross out movie... It's not a campy horror yarn.... It's tedious, annoying, pointless garbage with scenes that don't even pertain to the movie (KKK members?), horrible loud acting, a grating soundtrack consisting of the same song over and over again, horrible cinematography and visuals (looks very grimy and unappealing), a stupid plot, very seldom "worm eating", and the worst "special" effects ever. Don't come near this movie.. It's a waste of time, money, and your life.
Woodyanders Flaky clubfooted hermit Herman Umgar (beautifully played with exceptional depth and feeling by Herb Robbins, who also wrote the profound script and did the masterful direction) gets revenge on several people who want to take away his land by putting worms in their food. This causes everyone who eats said worms to transform into grotesque humanoid worm beings. The rank amateur community theater level histrionic acting rates as Oscar caliber stuff. The puerile humor and silly slapstick gags possess a wit and sophistication that's nothing short of sublime. The libidinous worm men with their primordial need and desire for female mates really bring on the sexy, with the definite erotic highlight occurring when one worm dude attacks a woman while she's taking a shower. The story about evil and greedy folks who want Herman's land so they can build condominiums provides a provocative and substantial little man versus the system socio-political subtext. The cast display an astonishing sense of commitment that goes above and beyond the call of duty by actually putting gross slimy'n'squishy worms in their mouths. The tragic ending packs a devastating punch. The scrappy cinematography by Willis Hawkins gives this picture a gorgeously grainy look. The bouncy'n'catchy theme song hits the jaunty spot. As the tagline aptly states, it's an immortal film of our time.
HumanoidOfFlesh The mayor and town council in California want to steal dirty hermit Umgar's land.They want to build condos for yuppie tourists.Unfortunately for them Umgar discovers that when a human eats one of his worms they become a giant worm themselves.It's time for worm eating."The Worm Eaters" by Herb Robins is totally bad taste horror comedy in the vein of John Waters works.Ted V.Mikels produced and distributed this piece of utter schlock.The characters are absurd and annoying,the humor is goofy and there are some mildly disgusting close-ups of worm eating.The film is obviously not as extreme as "Cannibal Holocaust" or similar exploitation classics.If you like amateurish Z-grade cinema check this worm out.5 worms out of 10.