| 25 May 2017 (USA)
Claw Trailers

Three friends decide to get out of New York for a weekend break, only to find out that the sleepy up-state town of Swamp Hollow is really the hunting ground of serial killers.

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ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
aquarianman52 I have seen many horror movies and some are quite good, some are ok, and some are downright terrible. This movie is so bad in all aspects that I don't know where to start. There is no tension, no suspense, no surprises (there is a twist at the end but it's quite lame), and as far as the whole story goes, there is really nothing to explore, nothing to question, nothing to have any effect on the whole premise of the plot which is really non-existant. I knew from the middle of the movie that I should turn it off and go to another movie, but I thought something would pop up and give hope to this awful movie, but it was not forthcoming. My advice: don't even think of wasting your time on this dud.
James Ian Mair Scream-queen icon Tina Krause (Witchouse 3, Camp Blood 666) stars alongside Justin Pavia and Lina Tanille in this gory and entertaining horror romp from director David Palmieri (Witchcraft 14,15 and 16) and producer David S. Sterling (Camp Blood, Witchcraft XI: Sisters in Blood). "Claw" is a film about three friends who rent an old house in the country for some rest and relaxation, only to be killed off one by one by a sinister madman that dwells in the old barn next door. The setup is pretty basic, but the dynamic between the three lead characters is interesting and there is enough interplay and backstory that you find yourself engaged when the danger begins. Lina Tanille is especially solid in her role. She plays Tiffani as a little bit of a loner; she has a complexity to her that doesn't need to be spoken in dialogue. Tina Krause plays her role well too as a free-spirit who doesn't take life all too seriously. Justin Pavia does nice work as well in his role and gets a chance to really shine toward the end of the film, but I won't reveal any spoilers.The killer himself is interesting, with a blood-stained welding mask, an interesting main weapon in the form of a detachable claw and an assortment of ways to do in his victims. I also liked the touch of him playing classical music while getting down to business in the old, sinister barn. This added to the creepy atmosphere in the film. The twist ending is great as well and appreciated in a film like this. Many time, lower budgeted slasher flicks don't try anything interesting, and I appreciated the extra effort to throw off the viewer and provide something new and refreshing at the end of the film. I would love to see a "Claw 2" directed by David Palmieri. I think he does a great job with the tools that he has available. He created a fun, exciting, atmospheric slasher flick that was well paced and very well shot. He utilized some cool timelapse camera work and his setups for the camera angles were well done as well. I commend his efforts and look forward to seeing more from him in the future.
marksimmons23 Badly paced and exceedingly boring, "Claw" certainly didn't grab my attention. It feels like a student film, with amateurish cinematography, flat and emotionless acting, clumsy dialogue, and a plot which fails to go anywhere interesting. While the three protagonists are supposed to be friends, their incessant arguing and abrasive personalities just highlights that they were thrown together randomly by a seemingly inexperienced scriptwriter, rather than being fully realised characters the viewer could care about. Worse, there's no tension, suspense, credible mystery, or even decent b-grade horror movie gore to make up for the rest of the film's weaknesses. Avoid : there's better things to waste your time on.
Leofwine_draca CLAW is a rubbish attempt at an indie horror film from David Palmieri, the man who previously made three awful WITCHCRAFT sequels. It involves an assembled bunch of characters at a house where very little happens in terms of incident or plot development. There's very little in the way of horror content or bloodshed either. One extended bit of voyeurism is heavily indebted to PSYCHO but it's a complete bore overall.