Guinea Pig: Mermaid in the Manhole
Guinea Pig: Mermaid in the Manhole
| 25 July 1988 (USA)
Guinea Pig: Mermaid in the Manhole Trailers

An artist dealing with the grief of his wife leaving him finds solace in painting the squalor of the sewer. He discovers a trapped mermaid, whom he brings home to heal. Her condition worsens, and she asks the artist to paint her before she dies.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
LoneApothecary I had an idea of what to expect going into this movie. I was familiar with the reputation of the Guinea Pig series, and I'd read a little bit about the film, but I got more than I expected.The story is simple. A painter finds a mermaid in a sewer, notices that she has an infection, and brings her back to his house to nurse her back to health as well as to paint her. What follows is a slurry of blood, tumorous flesh, and worms. So many worms.The effects are well done, and they're downright repulsive at times, but if you have a strong enough stomach, and an amply twisted mind, you may appreciate it. If the thought of worms being pulled out of pus-oozing sores grosses you out, steer clear. If you're hunting for more gross-outs, then dig right in.The acting and the sound design were wonky, but I don't think the movie is worse off for it. In fact, I think it makes the movie better, because of the hilarity that ensues. The movie as a whole has a darkly comedic air to it, which I really enjoy. The questionable subtitles I had made it even funnier.This movie is a wonderful mess, and those who can appreciate it may very well love it. You'll laugh, you'll get grossed out, and then you'll laugh some more. If you ask me, it's a work of art, and it deserves an 8/10.
tonymurphylee I saw this in the middle of the night, and it wasn't subtitled. Still, I figured out what it was about, despite the fact that I don't speak it's language. It's about what appears to be a painter who rescues an injured woman who begins to rot and spew pus. As she dies, he uses her goop as paint. The film's ending is depressing as it appears that he wasn't playing with a full deck.The overall tone of the film is bad enough without the bizarre situation, but the fact that the film literally doesn't race makes the outcome more of an effective idea that could be better implemented with a little less patience. Still, when the screen isn't drenched with guts and pus, it's pretty to look at. This is, i guess, a part of some strange series of films in Japan that deal with special effects gore and realism. This works in both areas, but also happens to have a little more to offer.
Golgo-13 Need a disgusting fix? An artist who uses a sewer for inspiration finds a mermaid there on his most recent visit. Despite her having a small infection on her stomach, he takes her home, puts her in his tub, and paints pictures of her. As time goes on, she becomes more infected with boils and such all over her body. Needless to say there is much blood and pus (which doubles as paint, wouldn't ya know?). There's even a strange twist at the end. Anyway, the SFX are done fairly well for being a cheapie and are sure to disgust many viewers at one point or another. It wasn't a great movie by any means but was interesting to watch.
Number8 WARNING, may contain minor spoilersI watched this film mainly out of curiosity, given the reputation of the entire Guinea Pig series, and I must say that I am a bit disappointed. While I started really hoping to get totally sick, I wind up laughing at the screen halfway. The problem is that it is very easy to see pass the supposed blood and gore see paint and plastic. I can literately feel the little plastic hoses that squirt out those multi-coloured paint from the puss. When the mermaid's face is deformed by the disease, the face looked more like a plastic mask glue on the actress than something supposedly revolting. And it is obvious that the actress never did put the worms in her mouth, since you never actually see her barfing them out (the camera pans down away from her face at that point). It's really just a clever camera trick.But it isn't for the lack of trying. That are some genuinely shocking moments in the film, such as when the artist discovered what was inside the mermaid when he chopped up the mermaid after she died. So I am not saying that the film is not disgusting, but I found the low-budget and dated special effects to be laughable.Story-wise I did like that the film is short and not overly complicated. Obviously the main drawing point is the gore, but there's a pretty decent story as well about lost love, and life in general. And The ending just added an extra layer of mysteriousness into the mix, leaving the viewer thinking just what exactly has transpired.I still haven't figured it all out myself.