The Clinic
The Clinic
R | 10 October 2010 (USA)
The Clinic Trailers

While traveling across country with her fiancé, Beth wakes alone in an isolated clinic to a mother's worst nightmare. Just how far will she go to save her child?

Wordiezett So much average
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
nightwatch4773 I was completely enthralled by this film from beginning to end. The opening shots of the arid landscapes across rural Australia were just gorgeous and the two leads were casted perfectly. The film starts very similar to Jeepers Creepers and 2008's Aussie debacle RoadKill but quickly turns into something much more than that. We have a dilapidated motel on tap with a motel manager that looks eerily similar to Nick Nolte. Once the couple get to their room the real fun starts as the film makes a complete left turn and a turn that I didn't see coming. From here on the film belongs to the female leads as they struggle for survival. I will not give anything away here, all I am saying is watch this film. You will thank me later.
dtrionfi36 My friend and I are big fans of the B Horror movies on Netflix. The Clinic is about an Australian couple on a road trip, typical. While out getting food the pregnant girlfriend gets kidnapped. She awakens to find her baby was taken out of her and she is now stitched up. She find she isn't alone, and she also soon figures out she has to survive while the other mothers die in order to see her baby. Through the whole movie, I could predict what was going to happen. For a low rated film the plot was interesting. It reminded me of The Hunger Games in some sort. I would not recommend the movie, unless you were like me, and like those type of films.
Windsun33 Not only is the movie full of plot holes, it leaves loose ends all over the place. And what the hell are herds of live cows doing in a factory that is supposed to be abandoned?The characters just seem to wander around aimlessly and get killed off one by one (wow, that is sure a new plot line..). They cannot seem to protect themselves in any way, even though an abundance of possible weapons are lying around all over. Overall, I get the feeling that a lot of the wrong parts were edited out of the movie.In short, this movie is only worth watching at 2 am when your only other choice is watching vacuum cleaner infomercials.
HorrorOverEverything When I picked this one up I was not looking forward to seeing it at all. I had just seen "Sutures" and I thought this was going to be along the same lines as that film. But I was Pleasantly surprised.This film was pretty suspenseful. The story sucked me in pretty fast, I was interested to find out what was gunna happen to the main characters and how everything would be explained. However, as the film got closer to the end it slowly started to fall apart, and it all let up to a terrible ending.The movie is worth watching for the simple fact that you will be very entertained up until the last 15 minutes or so, and there's a pretty good amount of gore so that should keep the gore hounds interested. Worth watching, just don't expect a great pay off.