Annabelle: Creation
Annabelle: Creation
R | 11 August 2017 (USA)
Annabelle: Creation Trailers

Several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the doll maker's possessed creation—Annabelle.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
ayhansalamci This character, created by James Wan, has received an incredible interest and we are now confronted with his second film. Annabelle, a side character in The Conjuring, seeks to show us how she was born this time. A business that benefits from Conjuring's atmosphere and deserves appreciation for its successful filmmakers. I would like to congratulate Talitha Bateman and Lulu Wilson, whom we can see more on television in the future. I can say that you should not approach with a better film and prejudice than the first film. It was not a very good movie for fear, but there were some scenes that were very good. I think it's worth watching and I recommend it to fans of horror.
Rainbowpug Okay, I'm a horror junky, I admit it. Being as that is, I don't scare easily. Slasher movies most often suck unless they're based in some form of reality, and ghost stories have to have a strong, psychological aspect to get me good. Dolls...something about them is just the peak of terrifying. My generation grew up with movies such as "Magic" and "Trilogy of Terror's Amelia", which were subtle, yet psychologically dismembering. Imagine my disappointment when Annabelle came out in 2014 and didn't give a single shudder! I left the theater more disappointed than I'd been in a long time. There was nothing scary about it, at all. When Annabelle Creation came to theaters, I avoided it like the plague. When it finally came on one of the pay channels, I decided I'd suffer through it just so I could say I did. Okay, wow. Annabelle Creation was scary. More than just the scary doll that almost completely lost its scariness because of the first movie, was that skinny, black creature you barely see, but is always there in the dark with glowing eyes. The isolation and darkness of the movie being set in the 1950's/60's, is probably what got me the most, though the sounds of incorporeal footsteps trailing behind them and getting louder each time they turned to look, sure did it's job in building up the terror. Most, not all, of the acting was impressive, too, though I didn't think the main character showed enough of a reaction to many of the things she was experiencing, I can only attribute that to possibly the naivete (or stupidity) of the character, or poor directing. I only know for sure how I would've reacted if something like that happened to me and there's little doubt I wouldn't have stroked out during the first encounter, even as a child. If I happened to survive that first encounter, there would've been NOTHING preventing me from running down that desolate dirt road like a banshee with its hair on fire. But if all the characters reacted like I would've, then there wouldn't be much of a story, right? All in all, this movie produces enough terrifying events to make you think before turning out the lights at night, and definitely before you do something stupid like getting into antique doll collecting.
fonsecabernardo Annabelle was directed by David F. Sandberg, it was recorded in 2017. It´s a really good horror film because when you are watching it you never will expect what is gonna happen. Besides that the characters are interpreted by really good actors staring Anthony LaPaglia(Samuel Mullins), Samara Lee(Bee), Miranda Otto(Esther Mullins) and Lulu Wilson( Linda). The movie is set in a farm, and its about a family who loses their daughter, and after 12 years of her death they offer their house to an orphanage and some shuttered girls and a nun went to their farm. But what they didn´t expect is that there is a demon haunting the house who possessed a doll Annabelle. If you like to see a good horror movie and get a lot of scares you must watch this film, But if you are fearful, i really don´t recommend you to watch Annabelle:Creation.
jimbo-53-186511 After their daughter is killed in a tragic accident, a mother and father decide to carry on by running an orphanage. However, things start to go awry when one of the orphans begins to sense an evil presence close by...Having seen and enjoyed Annabelle I went in with an optimistic mind-set when I sat down to watch this film, but sadly I didn't enjoy this film quite as much as the first film.. It begins well enough, but it does lack any real tension or suspense; it all feels rather mechanical and workman-like and the film failed to truly engage me at any point. In fairness, the basic story behind Annabelle and its creation is mildly interesting, but unfortunately the film fails to do much with the concept and what you're ultimately left with is a film that isn't completely terrible, but at the same time one that isn't particularly scary (in fact I didn't even come across one cheap jump scare when watching this film which for me is unheard of in the Annabelle/Conjuring world).The acting is OK by all concerned and the story behind Annabelle is interesting enough, but it simply isn't particularly scary and for that reason it is a film that I simply couldn't recommend.