The Calling
The Calling
R | 05 August 2014 (USA)
The Calling Trailers

Detective Hazel Micallef hasn't had much to worry about in the sleepy town of Port Dundas until a string of gruesome murders in the surrounding countryside brings her face to face with a serial killer driven by a higher calling.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
hrvojelavliet Movie is boring in the begining and in the midle . there is no plot and ending is almost boring
raquelzepeda I have tended to avoid serial killer movies for the last few years. Sometimes they're just too creepy. However, The Calling was quite different. Main character, Hazel, is not a perky young detective with a full life ahead of her. Instead, she does have many challenges which I believe are in a way a consequence of living in a tiny, bleak weathered town with few opportunities. Not to mention, she has had back surgery which I know destroys many people because of the excruciating pain. On top of that, the people she works for are not exactly intelligent. The good news is that she does not care nor does it stop her from doing her job.She cracks a case that even I was astonished about. The killer has based his killings on a most unusual plan - one that flabbergasted me. I usually know who the killer is when the character appears the first time on the scene. Which I did know him when I saw him in this movie. But the motive was quite, quite different.It's on Neflix. Watch it - it's a very good film. The dialogue could be better. But it was written to represent the culture of that area, so it was true to form.
kosmasp Some people claim they can hear the Calling, like our main bad guy in this movie. While there are some shades and he does have a goal, most of the viewers will not root for him. Of course there is controversy with a theme like that, though I'm surprised that Ebert (movie critic) gave it one of four stars.Just the acting alone should make you feel this deserves more. Even if you don't like Susan Sarandons character, the way she portrays her and plays her is just amazing. The supporting cast is great too, though it's not a "whoddunnit", but more a "whydunnit". Though the latter might be spoiled in most reviews of the movie. I won't do that here, though I know the "reason" will not be everyones cup of tea. You'll either be engaged with this or you won't
leonblackwood Review: This is a very average movie about a serial killer whose on the loose in a small town. As you know who the killer is right from the beginning, there isn't anything that surprising happening from beginning to end. Your just watching the police pieces the clues together, which wasn't that exciting. The lead character (Sarandon), is head of the whole operation but with her addiction to pain-killers and drink, she finds it hard to juggle her professional career with her personal life. Her only escapism from her somewhat glum personal life is to give the case her all, with the help of a new cop who helps her track down the killer. I was hoping for a major twist to make the movie slightly interesting but nothing that exciting happens. When they finally piece all of the pieces together, it's just a matter of time before the killer comes face to face with the cops but it still sticks with the slow pace which made me go to sleep after a while. The performances were also nothing that fantastic but the baddie did look pretty evil. Anyway, it's not anything amazing but I'm sure it will make a good TV movie. Boring!Round-Up: I've seen Topher Grace in quite a lot of movies lately but I still find him to be a basic actor who hasn't got a long range. He played the baddie in the new Predators and he stars in the big budget Instellar but he hasn't become a household name yet and to be honest, I doubt that he will. That's not to say that he's a bad actor because I have seen worse, but he's geeky looks and lack of screen charisma means that he would have to get the perfect role to push him into the mainstream. Susan Sarandon on the other hand is a veteran in the game and she still has been cast in some big movies like the strange Cloud Atlas and Tammy so at the age of 68, there's no signs of her taking a rest. As for this movie, it would have been much better if you didn't know who the killer was until the end of the movie. The fact that the director chose to take out the suspense element, didn't leave the audience much to work with which is why it seemed so basic.   I recommend this movie to people who are into their drama/thrillers about a bunch of cops, working together to try and catch a warped minded serial killer. 3/10