The Flock
The Flock
R | 04 August 2007 (USA)
The Flock Trailers

Erroll Babbage has spent his career tracking sex offenders and his unorthodox methods are nearly as brutal as the criminals he monitors. When he links one of his deranged parolees to the disappearance of a local girl, he and his new partner must scour the S&M underground to find her before it's too late.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Firsh I started watching this because Avril has a role in it and I love her voice. Turns out it's better to watch Over the hedge or interviews. She has like 1 minute screen time. The rest of the movie is unnecessary cheap VFX. Also for $35 million this is nothing. The movie has wolves but why? So crazy. Richard Gere is kind of irritating. I like Claire Danes but I had no interest in her role this time. Don't watch movies that makes you think when this will end, oh my god it's only half time? I'm already doing something else while watching the rest, hoping for more Avril. But she looks bad in this, too much black make-up, and she looks abused. Well, yeah, this film is about all that..
elise33 Despite that this should be by now ordinary to me, I continually become amazed when the mainstream American movie industry panders with amazingly clinging loyalty to the the American public their tendency to fanaticize and obsess over the obscene. To translate...When discussing the grotesque and the macabre, abuse, torture and destruction of human life, we become most fascinated when such things are done in a bizarre fashion. Of course, it only profits to connect the dots of this fascination to the fetishists. I can't specify enough not only how incorrect, but how harmful this is.I understand how disgusting the American public must find the idea of S/M, BDSM, and Fetishism. That being said, it is blissfully unaware of the simple difference between people who consensually engage in such acts and those individuals that enjoy abusing victims without any permission to do so. It sounds so simple, yet is so essential - at every moment in the movie the berated and obsessed yet righteous agent "uncovers" how his hapless clients like to abuse and sometimes kill women. The fetishists are intermingled with men who mutilate, rape, and kill women. This is beyond cheap - this is discrimination.There is a large difference between a woman who wants to be bound and whipped and a man who is doing this to her, and a man who likes to do this to women who don't want it. Sadism is a term misused - there is a DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ODD SEXUAL ACTS AND ABUSIVE CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. This movie is an insult to the first amendment rights of every American citizen. That being said, this movie breeds ignorance of this. People who engage in S/M are not child molesters and rapists. Sometimes molesters and rapists may like some of the S/M pornographic material. However, there are many individuals who engage in S/M, and they have no prior abuse records, no troubled childhoods, and have no intention to harm anyone who doesn't specifically request and agree to it. Yes, masochists find sadists, indeed, need sadists, as the other half of their happy perverse existence. Neither breaks the law. Particularly annoying was when the agent had a consensual couple in public this time, leaving it very difficult for him to go on his violent paranoid rant, so he chose to annoy and harass them instead, who basically told him to go and sit on it. So, basically, according to this movie, any abnormal sexual behavior will be persecuted by the state. What I'd like to know is, what is the point of this people's jobs? And what are they saying about our rights?
rbrb A worker responsible for monitoring sex offenders is close to retirement after years in the job; what he has experienced puts him on the brink of insanity, perhaps into the abyss of madness when for his last case he goes in search of a missing teenage girl. That is the central tale of this movie and the lead actor does superbly in his role with an equally impressive performance from the actress playing the rookie he is training to take over his position.However this film is more or less ruined by two things:1. The massively irritating and quirky way the film is directed and presented which dilutes and in effect destroys the first rate acting of the leads and obscures the story considerably. Hence a prime example of how the ego/interference of a director etc spoils an otherwise good show.Furthermore, the other negative,2. As indeed another reviewer noted: the picture appears to be an attempted copy in many respects of X-Files('X files without the X') right down to the similarity to the two "stars" of that show being in effect cloned into this film. Therefore what otherwise might have received a 7 or even an 8 from me is reduced by several grades due to the fatal flaws herein outlined.5/10.
ivkipsiho All I can say is, first movie this season that got my attention. I picked it because of the actors, Gere and Claire, and the story looked promising..I have just watched it and i can say - i'm overwhelmed. There are shocking scenes, true..but that's what makes it more realistic. We shouldn't run away from our reality, these things are happening right this moment. And there are experts who are trying to change things and make things better and who get laughed out about their commitment to the cause. Actually I can't seem to feel the "Hollywood touch" in the movie..and that's what makes it better. Both Claire and Richard did a great roles, and deserve a 10 from me.