White Squall
White Squall
PG-13 | 02 February 1996 (USA)
White Squall Trailers

In 1960, a hardy group of prep school students boards an old-fashioned sailing ship. With Capt. Christopher Sheldon at the helm, the oceangoing voyage is intended to teach the boys fortitude and discipline. But the youthful crew are about to get some unexpected instruction in survival when they get caught in the clutches of a white squall storm.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Armand it is far to be original. or one of great films. it is decent. and, maybe, for a part of its public, useful, touching and a form of lesson about life with few pink ingredients. it could be a good occasion to discover few actors at young age or Jeff Bridges in a bitter role but, in same measure, to remind old fashion values and few cultural references, the spirit of teenagers and a good guide who transforms theirs in men. it reminds many other films about the same theme but the manner is almost a virtue. because it is a right work, with not the best end but the tension, the drops of soap opera, the pieces from the epics about the man against nature, the importance of duty and the metamorphose in contact with a great challenge are the solid good points.
wes-connors Mystic, Connecticut high school student Scott Wolf (as Charles "Chuck" Gieg) goes to sea for his 1960-61 senior year. He joins the crew of "Skipper" Jeff Bridges (as Christopher Sheldon) on the amusingly named ship "Albatross". While not acknowledged in the script as such, the name turns out to be a bad omen. Of course, you knew that going in. There are teachers on board, but the real lesson is adventure on the high seas. This is where boys become men. They fight, cry and study together. They bond while smoking, drinking and taking penicillin shots for venereal disease...Our narrator and star is Mr. Wolf, who gained popularity as a small screen look-alike for Tom Cruise on the TV series "Party of Five" (1994). Top-billed co-star Mr. Bridges gained his sea legs on his famous father's syndicated series "Sea Hunt" (1958)...Wolf and the "boys" look more like "male model" college graduates than high school teenagers. They have shaved chests, plucked eyebrows, pouty lips, and perfectly trimmed hair. Wolf is first drawn to boyish Ryan Phillippe (as Gil Martin), who clings to a picture of his dead brother and has a fear of heights. Made obvious for his lateness and snobbery is Jeremy Sisto (as Frank Beaumont). He commits a despicable act due to domineering daddy David Selby (as Francis Beaumont). In a lesser storyline, initially obnoxious Eric Michael Cole (as Dean Preston) goes to the head of the class...This is based on a true story. Having age appropriate actors play the parts might have made some of the behavior look more inappropriate; herein, they appear trimmed, tempered and tamed. The photography, by Hugh Johnson, is a strength.****** White Squall (2/2/96) Ridley Scott ~ Scott Wolf, Jeff Bridges, Ryan Phillippe, Jeremy Sisto
ilcq White Squall is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The bell's inscription, "Where we go one, we go all!" ties the whole movie together. It is a tragic story because of the deaths of all the crew members. But the group that began as a bunch of individuals unsure of why they were there became a tight knit crew that stood united in support of their captain and their fellow crew members.Chuck Gieg said, "I finally understand Homer, 'The journey's the thing.'" We are not in control of the tragedies that befall us. The captain had to learn this lesson the hard way. But through the journey, he learned that he had others to lean on - the crew he trained.
d-butler288 This is a great film about teenagers learning about themselves and facing a challenge together. It is very interesting that this film avoids the usual clichés of an action movie and develops characters more than just stereotypes. I would describe this film as a drama with a magnificent backdrop of uncontrollable natural events...storms and rough seas. Sort of a parody on some the difficulties that these young men were facing. Ridley Scott directs a film which is unique and pushes back the boundaries of genre as have some of his other films such as ALIEN and GLADIATOR. Both of these films are landmarks in their own way. It's hard to think of a film before ALIEN which had similar qualities. The same with GLADIATOR except perhaps its character development which makes a comparison with KUBRICKS Spartacus. As for homo-eroticism, seeing beautiful young male bodies may subjectively be deemed homo-erotic by some people. Does it really matter? Just enjoy the film on your own level as you would other works of art!!!