Alice Through the Looking Glass
Alice Through the Looking Glass
| 26 December 1998 (USA)
Alice Through the Looking Glass Trailers

A modern adaptation of the classic children's story 'Alice through the Looking Glass', which continued on from the popular 'Alice in Wonderland' story. This time Alice is played by the mother, who falls asleep while reading the the bedtime story to her daughter. Walking through the Looking Glass, Alice finds herself in Chessland, a magical and fun world. There she meets the Red and White Queens, as well as many other amusing friends on her journey across the chessboard countryside onto become a crowned queen.

Steineded How sad is this?
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
rls0812 Once I started to watch this movie, it immediately became apparent that the director assumed the audience read the book first. I would think any one who never read the lesser known classic, would be totally lost.The film, for the most part, did good job sticking to the books story line, though they dropped some stuff, and added others.The weirdest part was casting an adult actor to play the role of a child ... "I am 7 and 6 months old", said the 20+ year old .The interactions never seem right with a "childish" adult.For the most part, the looking glass world looks about what I imagined it to be from the book, though things were changed around a bit.The oddest part was, one of the Tweedles looking like the guy from A Clockwork Orange. Over all, it's an all right movie ( if the watcher first read the book ), geared more for younger folks.Definitely worth a watch.
Syl I didn't really read Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass which is the film's basis for his version. It has a first rate cast like the red queen played by Sian Phillips in one silly red costume and the white queen played by Penelope Wilton again in a silly white costume. There is too much talking at times and not much action for this film to serve a purpose. At the end of the tale, I didn't understand what happened to Alice all along. Did she learn a lesson about the looking glass. Anyway, the costumes are definitely silly maybe too silly to be taken seriously. I didn't understand what Alice and the world in the Looking Glass was doing. I didn't understand how the white queen went from small to life-size to talk with Alice. I thought there were some moments but the writing seemed to take forever for things to make sense or none at all. Still, it should be shown regarding the Alice books.
Brad Lacey Are there redeeming features here? Because I can't find them. This film is horrible on just so many levels.The set design is shoddy to the point that it looks like a high school performance for the most part (despite the assembly of a great cast of English character actors - Ian Holm, Steve Coogan, Kate Beckinsale as Alice - we know where the money went then).The cinematography is awful, constantly leaving the viewer second guessing the possible motivation for the camera changes - Blair Witch style hand-held becomes a staple for some reason, but why? Are we meant to be scared? I mean, hey, I was...but not for the right reasons.The script is not so bad, but then how could it fail, coming from such a magnificent text to begin with. Rather, the problem is the pacing and lack of action - how often do we need to sit, bored and restless, as the actors and camera sit statically in front of us, reading slab after slab of text? This is supposed to be a film, a dynamic movement - for the love of God give me some movement.There is just so much bad to be said about this film that it's not worth going on. Oh, in case you haven't quite figured it out yet, don't see this film. Go rent the Disney animated version of the original Alice instead, or, better yet - read the book.
Abadeo This is the best film version of the Lewis Carroll story that I've seen. Other versions usually employ comedians as actors and their performances are always way over-the-top. This version is really amusing because the dialogs are so deadpan serious. Sort of Pythonesque. I think that is how Lewis Carroll intended it to be done; that is how I read the books. I love the dialog between Alice (Kate Beckinsale) and the White Knight (Ian Holm). They are both so intense and sincere about discussing such very silly topics and that is what makes it so amusing. Kate's reactions to many of the inane things that happen is so subdued. It's perfect.