Warlords of Atlantis
Warlords of Atlantis
PG | 01 May 1978 (USA)
Warlords of Atlantis Trailers

Searching for the lost world of Atlantis, Prof. Aitken, his son Charles and Greg Collinson are betrayed by the crew of their expedition's ship, attracted by the fabulous treasures of Atlantis. The diving bell disabled, a deep sea monster attacks the boat. They are all dragged to the bottom of the sea where they meet the inhabitants of the lost continent, an advanced alien race that makes sailors their slaves.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Executscan Expected more
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
O2D What would you expect from a movie that features Cliff Clavin?Not much, right?Well not much would be a huge improvement over what it actually is.There isn't a single thing in this movie that makes sense.It starts with two guys throwing a baseball(like girls) over a scientist who has a bunch of glass beakers sitting next to him and of course they end up breaking some of them.Why did they have to play ball there?Why did the scientist have glass beakers when he had no intention of ever mixing or even using chemicals?So anyway, the one guy has invented a diving bell that doesn't have a bottom and magically, it never fills with water.They get lowered down on a rope and find a large gold statue.They somehow manage to get it into the bottom of the diving bell and tie an extremely long rope around it and somehow the other end of the rope is tied to the ship above.Even though there was clearly no rope in the bell when they left.When it gets to the ship the captain immediately tells one of the scientists that his men may try a mutiny and then they immediately do just that.Weak.The crew cuts the rope to the bell and attack the others.Then a giant octopus attacks and drags them all hundreds of feet under water and they all live.Then he goes back for the bell.Once in Atlantis it just gets worse.They say they were brought there for taking the statue but later we find that Atlantis just needed to replace dead slaves.Did I mention Atlantis has guards that wear helmets that cover their face and the humans have no problem punching them and knocking them out?They get locked in a cell and it looks like they are doomed.Then two extremely slow moving monsters attack and they are content to just eat the one Atlantean slave who has a speaking part and then smash into the main characters cell, freeing them but not hurting them.Weak.Then they find a sewer grate with all the bars broken for easy access.Because in a world run by tyrants, who would notice that?The other end of the sewer(where all the non-slaves live) is just covered by some hanging beads?WTF?So they get back to the diving bell and drive it to the surface.If the bell was self-propelled why did it have to be lowered on a rope?Why was it inoperable after the rope was cut?Why did they even get out of it if it was still working?The octopus comes back and smashes their ship so they get in a row boat with no oars and the octopus just leaves them alone.Then it's implied that they all live.Somehow making it hundreds of miles with no radio or oars or food.This movie should never be seen by anyone.
Joe Smith ~There's barely spoilers present but I checked the box nonetheless. NO actual major plotpoints are revealed only plotdevices~Ancient alien Nazis from Atlantis fight dinosaurs/turtles. For this end they abduct humans and mutate them. Really do I need to say more?It's not a good movie but it takes risks and is different in a way I have come to appreciate in an age of pre-digested Hollywood blockbuster movies that all follow the same receipt, contain the same ingredients and are clearly made for the wide public.This movie is none of those things. For that reason alone you might want to give it a go. Special plus sides might be the acting of the space Nazis which are true coldblooded evil bastards without acting like comicbook supervillains.
r-c-s one word to describe this movie: mediocre. sort of mad max (see the prisoners and the atlantean first cities ) meets sinbad (SFX would still be poor if dated 20 years earlier ) meets cable TV tripe, like those "lost/treasure island" short telepictures from the 1960-70s for a young audience. Acting is mediocre-to-poor. When gummy faced Mcclure plays the hot dud to impress the mad max belle, well...how corny can anything get? A superior race of martians defends itself using XIX century rifles and cannons? Do me a favor...lock the screenplay writer in a padded cell. They also try to add the victorian element, so well done and fitting in the earlier Dracula movies, yet with poor results here. All in all, rather than a real movie (yes, low budget and all ), it looked like an extended episode from some cable TV "adventure" series. They even try to add plot twists, but it gets even more laughable. Pathetic main actors; even ridiculous supporting cast. Perhaps Lea Brodie is the less pathetic one. Yes, you get monsters, but the Japanese ones decades older were much better. This tripe makes Harryhausen's SFX - a craftsman in his own right albeit very dated - look better than Matrix, Terminator II and Jurassic Park stitched together. Gummy faced Mcclure makes Arnold look like Laurence Olivier, and Gilmore makes Keanu Reeves better than Al Pacino, go figure.
bob the moo The scientific community in general (and his father specifically) think that Professor Charles Aitkin is crazy to waste time trying to find Atlantis but, with the help of engineer Greg Collinson and a metal bubble with a hole in it, that is just what he plans to do. Finding a gold marker deep on the ocean floor, the pair raise it to their ship and return for another look. While down, they are betrayed by their crew and dumped on the bottom of the ocean. Of course, on the boat things are hardly that peachy either, as a giant octopus comes to the surface looking for the marker – dragging some of the crew under at the same time. The men all wash up on a beach which, given their depth underwater, is a surprise to all of them and they find themselves in a mysterious underwater city. Most of the men are taken to prison after a scuffle breaks out in the town but Aitkin joins the intellectual elite. Can they escape the clutches of these people – and will Aitkin even want to? Although it is hard to look back now and think that this movie was made after the special effects revolution of Star Wars, this is just one of the always popular genre of cheesy monster movies – many of the time that used Atlantis, prehistoric settings, Captain Nemo and other devices to explain large numbers of creatures that had been hidden from view. The plot may not be up to much but isn't terrible – the usual genre clichés abound and this familiar feel helps it appeal to those of us that grew up watching this trash. However, nostalgia to one side, it is fairly poor with little to recommend it for. The effects are trashy, big rubbery monsters that move in such a way that one would hope to have calmly walked away from them, never mind run; suffice to say that it is unlikely you'll be excited or thrilled by them – although the flying fish attack is hilariously reminiscent of the Muppets.The cast are not as rubbery but seem to move with the same stiff, deliberate movements in terms of performances. McClure has been so well lampooned by the Simpsons that it is impossible to take him seriously (if it ever was); he is hammy in a Captain Kirk sort of way and his performance never changes no matter the circumstances. Gilmore is the usual English scientist (will they never learn) and doesn't do anything other than fulfil the cliché. The support cast are roundly poor, with the usual stiff alien stuff from Charisse, Gothard and Massey, and the only one that was interesting was a young looking Ratzenberger.Overall, a typically clichéd and rubbery monster movie with some equally unconvincing performances from the cast. The plot is the mix of the usual "forgotten community on brink of destruction", "monsters" and "join us earthman" nonsense and it is unlikely to provide any more than the most basic distraction to viewers. Although nostalgia does have a part to play I suppose, and it can be unintentionally funny at times, but even still, it ain't a great deal of fun.