The 5th Wave
The 5th Wave
PG-13 | 15 January 2016 (USA)
The 5th Wave Trailers

16-year-old Cassie Sullivan tries to survive in a world devastated by the waves of an alien invasion that has already decimated the population and knocked mankind back to the Stone Age.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Stevieboy666 Gigantic alien crafts appear in Earth's skies, a bit like in Independence Day and the planet and human race becomes subjected to ever increasing waves of destruction until it is time for the 5th... This film starts off with the heroine, a teenage girl called Cassie, narrating the story, so it's clearly one of those movies aimed at a younger audience. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact there is a fair amount of horror and violence to be found. The issue of loss and separation of loved ones is dealt with when first Cassie's mother dies from the infection wave. Then her Dad is killed in cold blood, and at the same time she and her younger brother get separated. All quite sad. The military, the "saviours," turn out to be, predictably, "others", the name given to the alien invaders, who can adopt human guise. When they massacre all of the adults at a refuge camp that was chillingly real in as far as genocide is sadly one of humanities greatest crimes. However where it gets silly is having the army (actually "others") train kids and turn them into military units in order to be tricked into killing off human survivors! Can't the aliens just do that themselves? There's a love interest, teen girl meets buff boy, etc, as to be expected.. Acting and effects are all reasonably good. While this film is certainly no SF classic I found it to be reasonably enjoyable hour and a half.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must admit that I had expected something more from this movie. But it just turned out to be a teenage movie with a layer of action and Sci-Fi elements to spice it up.As for the storyline in "The 5th Wave", well it was rather mundane and generic, although the twist as to whom The Others were was a nice one, and I had not really foreseen that one.The acting in the movie was adequate, but Chloe Moetz constantly walks around looking like a sullen and semi-depressed girl, so it was hard to take her serious in this movie.The special effects were quite good, as was the CGI. And let's be honest, this is very much a CGI carried movie, because the storyline, plot, characters and acting could only take the movie so far. So, of course, the CGI effects had to lift up the movie.This was hardly an outstanding or particularly memorable movie. And I doubt that I will return to watch this movie a second time.
Andrea Jovanovic Skies Are Falling meets that much-more-decent post-apocalyptic film with Saorse Ronin in it and makes for 1hr52mins of absolutely pants viewing. One-dimensional characters, a downright silly plot, cliche after cliche after cliche and Chloe pouting her way through the least believable teen romance ever.Honestly, unless you're 12 (and haven't seen all the better rehashings of the same plot) don't even bother.
anilk007 Movie started off well but loses appeal half-way. Seems there maybe a sequel but not for me.