Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
PG-13 | 19 May 2017 (USA)
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A teenager who's lived a sheltered life because she's allergic to everything, falls for the boy who moves in next door.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Trina Lovinglyfe Wilson I thought the movie was quite enjoyable. I even shed a tear here and there. See it for yourself.
josephcarloaquino I was able to grab a copy of the movie 2 days after I read the Novel and I could say it's an 80% copy of the Novel. This was a good movie, I really enjoyed it.
silver_rado2001 Would imprison her child into thinking she had a terrible diseases
TOMASBBloodhound Everything, Everything may not win any Oscars this spring but there isn't any fault in these young stars. This film deals with a teenage girl who lives her life sealed up in her house, and under close medical supervision by either a nurse or her mother who is a doctor. Her only sibling, a brother, and her father were apparently killed in an accident. she has to do her schoolwork online. It's a pretty lonely life for young Maddy, who suffers from some disease where she has a very weak immune system and cannot be exposed to typical germs. At least she doesn't have to live in a bubble like John Travolta or Jake Gyllenhaal. It looks like a nice house, anyway. Big windows. Big enough to let her flirt wiyh the new boy Olly who just moved in next door, anyway. Olly is apparently a cute boy, but he has a rough life. His dad is an abusive drunk who can't hold a job, forcing them to move often. These two kids are in need of a good romance, its safe to say. But how can these kids get to know each other when Maddy isn't supposed to be in the room with other kids??With the help of her nurse, Maddy and Olly are able to strike up a little bit of a relationship. Plot complications involving her mother seem to stop it before it can get beyond a 4th of July kiss, though. Maddy is compelled to do something bold. She purchases tickets for herself and Olly to take a romantic trip to Hawai'i! I guess she'd theoretically rather die of every possible germ imaginable than spend another day locked inside her house. And what a fun trip it is!Spoiler.Of course once this trip is taken, there are only 2 paths this story can take. The film dangles one in front of our face, then hits us over the head with the other. And it was no surprise to this author that Maddy was not really sick, but think of what that says about her mother. By the film's end, their relationship is still up in the air as Maddy's childhood was proven to be an unnecessary lie. Do Maddy and Olly end up together? Take a wild guess, but you'll feel they've earned their happy ending.This is a better than expected film, and the young stars get a lot of the credit. Amanda Stenberg in particular will hopefully use this film to vault herself to great things. Despite many predictable parts, there are some nice touches involving Maddy's architecture projects coming to life, and her astronaut guardian angel. Despite the PG-13 rating, the film has little explicit material, save for one scene of I'd call it "implied intimacy". Will this film's target audience of teens get the Nurse Ratched reference? Will their parents know what it means when they are asked?? 1975 was a long time ago.The Hound.
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