Without Limits
Without Limits
| 11 September 1998 (USA)
Without Limits Trailers

The film follows the life of famous 1970s runner Steve Prefontaine from his youth days in Oregon to the University of Oregon where he worked with the legendary coach Bill Bowerman, later to Olympics in Munich and his early death at 24 in a car crash.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Travis_Bickle01 Good sports drama about the life of runner Steve Prefontaine with Billy Crudup in the leading role. Crudup ("Almost Famous", "Sleepers",...) gives an excellent performance as usual. Donald Sutherland, who plays Prefontaine's coach is also very enjoyable. We also see Monica Potter ("Con Air", "Along came a spider"). A year earlier, in 1997 there was also a movie about Steve Prefontaine, called "Prefontaine" with Jared Leto ("Requiem for a Dream") in the leading role, but I can't compare both movies because I haven't seen "Prefontaine"."Without Limits" is nothing extraordinary but it is very enjoyable. It isn't about Prefontaine's whole life, it focuses on the period of his career as a runner. The actors give also very nice performances. You should certainly see this movie when it's on TV, he definitely worth it.8/10
mrh1238 I am a track and field athlete and I think that you need to be one in order to understand the importance of this film. However, this is a very well directed and well acted film that would normally have fans all over it but they stayed away because of the track and field. I think that track is the best thing to watch because you witness people push themselves to the limits like Pre. as he said "running any other way would be chicken-s**t"
shark-43 Billy Crudup totally loses himself in the lead role and Sutherland does some of his best work as Coach Bowerman. I can see why many in the public stayed away from the film itself - not too many moviegoers are interested in track & field, let alone track & field in the 1970's. I always knew who Prefontaine was because I ran track and cross country in high school in the late 1970's and remember hearing of his untimely death. The film is done in a very straight forward kind of way and that's why I like it. It doesnt waste too much time with side stories or sub plots. One HAS to have a love story and many of the elements of the romance are some of the weakest moments but what can one do? You have to take SOME of the studios notes (besides - even though I think the actress playing the lead is beautiful, I have seen her in other films and I find her work very one-dimensional). But Crudup is amazing as the obsessed runner and the scenes of the actual races are stunningly photographed and edited. Well done.
mhasheider A fascinating and unique story of the legendary American distance Steve Prefontaine, who is portrayed here by Billy Crudup. To be honest here, I haven't seen the other film that was based on Pre's life ("Prefontaine"). This film places the majority of its' attention solely on the relationship between Pre (Crudup) and his coach in college and the Olympics, Bill Bowerman (Donald Sutherland). Like Crudup, Sutherland is near perfect here and should rank as one of his best performances. The monologue that Sutherland gives after showing television news footage of the infamous massacre that tarnished the Summer games in Munich is just...flawless. Monica Potter is fine here as the girl who Prefontaine had the most interest in. Look for director William Friedkin appears early in the movie in a small role. The film's director/co-writer, Robert Towne is wise in how to handle the drama and tension here and shows what a genius he is. Now that I look back at the film, I wonder if there'll be another great distance runner to come from the U.S.. The answer might come in Alan Webb? I don't know.
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