The Longshots
The Longshots
PG | 22 August 2008 (USA)
The Longshots Trailers

The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
tewcutetamar The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.It so amazing you should watch and read it! The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.The true story of Jasmine Plummer who, at the age of eleven, became the first female to play in Pop Warner football tournament in its 56-year history.
ifhedieshedies In brief Longshots is the classic underdog story but with a few twists. Not only do we have a young,struggling,American rugby team we also have the struggle of a young girl trying to earn respect and gain a place in this young,struggling,American rugby team.People may think they have seen hundreds of these types of films before, Mighty Duck's (the ice hockey one with Billy the Kid as the head coach) and Little Giant's (the American rugby one with Louis Tully as the head coach) to name two off the top of my head. Longshots however is a different breed of animal.The powerhouse performance of Ice Cube accompanied with the fantastic direction of Fred Durst makes this film a must see.Ice Cube plays Curtis Plummer, a down and out with little in his life except American football and alcohol. He has a distant relationship with his niece, Jasmine Plummer, until fate brings them closer together. It is at this point that Curtis Plummer realises his young niece has a talent for throwing a Rugby ball a long way very accurately!. Without spoiling the rest of the film Ice Cube basically becomes a Yoda figure to Jasmine Plummer and trains her in the art of throwing a Rugby ball without going to the dark side (Laces out Dan!).This film goes on to teach us a valuable life lesson. In one scene we have Curtis Plummer a smelling,dirty, down and out looking at the horrible state he has let himself become in a mirror. Whilst looking into this mirror and deep into his own heart does Curtis decide to change his ways? become a better uncle to Jasmine? become a role model to all those other down and outs around him? NO!!! he simply changes his shirt and puts on a bowler-esquire type hat. The message this gives to the young generation out there is that a small change can be all that is needed in life.After raving about this film you may wonder why i did not give this film 10 stars. Well my only niggle with The Longshots is the soundtrack. Instead of the kids winning their first American rugby game and a mediocre run of the mill instrumental accompanying the scene why not add Ice Cubes own masterpiece Roll All Day to make this a truly epic scene and epic film! For this film to be at a meager 2.7 on IMDb is a utter disgrace. What Durst,Cube and Cube vision have created is a minor miracle. GO BUY IT!
curtisjanetta414 this was an interesting family film,and for the most part it was well done.It was decent,no bad language,so it was great for all to see. I think it was obvious that it was all males behind the scenes ,perhaps it would have had a better solid feel to it ,if it would have had a woman director?Just a thought. Some of the scenes felt off.As a female athlete who once played football,it seemed somewhat off, but overall the acting was good,and at times very funny. The development of the relationship between the uncle and niece was actually pretty well done.Overall a good sports movie,about looking at what we have and not at what we don't have.
angelabillings The only complaint I have is that the biggest gaffe of all has you following the dots- on Keke Palmer's face. In many scenes her acne is more than apparent while seconds later you're left wondering when she slapped on the miracle cream. It's VERY distracting. Also not her fault.Otherwise, Keke pulls off her part of this true life story of Pop Warner's first female quarterback wonderfully. Ice Cube's character, her uncle, develops realistically when it comes to his relationship with his niece.We had the choice of seeing this or Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3-D. I LOVE Brandon Fraser, but we were not disappointed in our choice. Our ten year-old son has heard the word "a*s" before, so that part really didn't bother me. The movie also contains teachable moments for parents to afterward discuss: how school can be rough when it comes to teasing and being made fun of.Fred Durst, yes, THE bad boy Fred Durst of music fame, did a credible job as well, proving he is multi-talented and can handle a family movie.All in all, the movie was well paced, nothing "dragged", and other than the above mentioned continuity issue our entire family enjoyed the movie.