R | 06 March 1992 (USA)
Gladiator Trailers

Tommy Riley has moved with his dad to Chicago from a 'nice place'. He keeps to himself, goes to school. However, after a street fight he is noticed and quickly falls into the world of illegal underground boxing - where punches can kill.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Rob Sweeney I think we can safely tick all the boxes above.I am a huge fan of the sport of boxing and a big fan of boxing movies, for the most part. I have also noted on multiple occasions how good and versatile an actor Cuba Gooding JR. At this point in his career, Gooding JR was still in his early stages, but comes through like a champ in this interesting and gritty underground pugilism movie.There are lots of montages, plenty of boxing set to cheesy motivational 80s songs. The finale is quite ludicrous but inevitable in these types of flicks, and good triumphs over evil as it tends to do in movies if not real life.It will never be known as a classic but is in the same vein as some of Van Damme's best… If you love boxing and are a fan of the ridiculous, GLADIATOR is for you. I highly recommend it."Anger is the enemy."
Wilder Movie Reviews I remember getting advance tickets to this the year it was released. A friend and I went along to see it not knowing what to expect. We knew absolutely nothing about the film. Sometimes this can be the best way to experience a film and occasionally you discover a cinema gem, like this one.The film is about Tommy Riley (James Marshall), a teenager who is forced to move with his father from Bridgeport to a run down, troubled part of Chicago. Once there he discovers that his father is in debt to a loan shark. He is then drawn into a world of underground boxing to pay his father's debt.The boxing scenes are well shot and choreographed, the cast including James Marshall, Cara Buono, Cuba Gooding Jr., Robert Loggia, Ossie Davis, John Heard & Brian Dennehy really make the movie. If it wasn't for their performances the movie wouldn't be half the movie it is. Robert Loggia & Brian Dennehy are great if a little over the top, but the over the top performances work in this film. But it is James Marshall as the lead that gives the film the humanity it needs. His portrayal of the troubled teen forced to fight is great. However the standout performance has to go to Cuba Gooding Jr. He stands out in this film as a true rising star. Unfortunately a few years later after he won an Oscar for his performance in Jerry Maguire he seemed to give up on the more challenging roles.This film should be more well known, but it seemed to fall under most people's radar. A shame as it is a very entertaining film. For pure entertainment this is one of the better films released in 1992. If you like boxing films then this one is definitely one for you.
oneguyrambling No not that one. While I am sure that I will get to the Rusty Crowe epic at some point rehashing hundreds of big budget supposed classics doesn't interest me that much. Get online and search "swords and sandals and macho bravado" and you can read millions of pages about Gladiator – Roman style penned breathlessly by sweaty palmed fanboys.Now wait while I dry my palms.Today I will be breathlessly penning a review of the non Ridley Scott Gladiator film about "boxers who act with macho bravado" also called Gladiator.This particular film fits snugly into the outmatched guy who must battle against the odds category. The pinnacle of this genre – which will likely never be bested – is Rocky, but every couple of years another film comes out that seeks to capitalise on the strength of the formula and build its own niche nestled snugly on Sylvester Stallone's bosom.Rather than go into the usual rigmarole of "a guy walks into a boxing ring" let's tick the boxes required to satisfy a formula film.The Guy Tommy Riley (James Marsden in chiseled glory). A young white guy in a predominantly coloured community, Tommy doesn't fit in and initially has no friends or allies.That's a big check.The Reason Tommy has no mother and his Dad is continually on the road or on the run depending on what you believe because of large gambling debts. Tommy must fend for himself and also cover the household costs, and ward off the heavies that the loan sharks send around to visit the old man. It seems Tommy is so dispassionate about anything and everything that he hasn't had a facial expression in years.The Chick A schoolmate and the daughter of Tommy's employer, Tommy manages to catch the eye of the only white chick in his class.The Shonky Agent Agent probably isn't a great word, but Pappy Jack (Robert Loggia) discovers Tommy in a streetfight and does everything he can to ensure Tommy ends up in the ring fighting for him in the dodgy no-holds-barred fight nights. Pappy Jack desperately needs a pretty face to sell to the gamblers and spectators and sees Tommy as his "Great White Hope".The Friendly Corner-Man who just Hopes no-one gets Hurt Ossie Davis is Noah, he teaches Tommy the tricks of the trade and makes sure he has an idea of what he is up against. Why he knowingly stays in an industry with so much corruption and backstabbing is a mystery. The important thing to remember is that he just hopes no-one gets hurt! The Buddy who actually does get Hurt Initially Tommy is befriended by another young boxer, a well meaning and spirited kid named Romano. He and Tommy become friends and Tommy allows himself to care for Romano, which of course means that it is inevitable that Romano will get f*cked up by… The Bad Guy – Tier #1 The first low level bad guy is a young thug, not averse to dirty tactics or getting even outside the ring. He puts Romano in hospital as a full time vegetable.The Buddy who Probably will cop it Tommy doesn't want to fight but does so out of desperation and necessity. Another young fighter named Lincoln though is also gifted and feels he needs boxing to get him and his family out of the ghetto. Of course they will be forced to fight each other at a time when it is least appropriate. Lincoln must fight Tommy to break into the big league, Tommy doesn't want to fight Lincoln as he has a condition where a solid blow to the head might kill him… which necessitates.The REAL BIG BAD GUY Brian Dennehy is Mr Horne, an ex-boxer turned promoter who runs the whole operation and plays the boxers like puppets o satisfy his own ends and desires. He buys Tommy's Dad's debt and forces him into the circuit. Of course the finale pits a wounded Tommy against a crafty, devious and dirty Horne man to man.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I think we can safely tick all the boxes above.There are lots of montages, plenty of boxing set to cheesy motivational 80s songs, and plenty of cheap shots – and frankly – nut shots, to make the guys say "owwww".The finale is quite ludicrous but inevitable in these types of flicks, and good triumphs over evil as it tends to do in movies if not real life.Final Rating – 6 / 10. As far as formula guy-against-the-odds movies goes this does the trick. It will never be known as a classic but is in the same vein as some of Van Damme's best… for what that's worth.
xredgarnetx Wooden-faced James Marshall stars in GLADIATOR as a deprived youth caught up in the world of underground boxing. He must make good on some debts of his father's (William Heard), the paper on which is being held by fight promoter and all-around bad guy Brian Dennehy. Marshall makes friends with fellow boxer Cuba Gooding and philosophical corner man Ossie Davis. Director Rowdy Harrington does a great job staging the boxing matches, which include knees to the head, headlocks, choking, shots to the groin and kidneys, leg sweeps, body slams and drugging opponents. Some of the matches are difficult to watch once the nasty stuff starts and the blood begins flowing freely. But that's why GLADIATOR is rated R and not PG-13. The young Cuba Gooding outacts everyone else in this early '90s boxing flick, although Dennehy is in full, frothing-at-the-mouth mode as a man interested only in making money, even at the expense of lives.