The Shepherd: Border Patrol
The Shepherd: Border Patrol
| 04 March 2008 (USA)
The Shepherd: Border Patrol Trailers

A Texas cop battles ex-navy seals who are trying to traffic drugs from Mexico into the USA.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
SnoopyStyle Former New Orleans cop Jack Robideaux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) starts a new border patrol job in Columbus, New Mexico. He is haunted by his past. The area is overrun by human smugglers and drug runners. On top of which is a group of American ex-Special Forces returning from Afganistan involved in smuggling heroin and explosives.This is the border issue being handled with as much care as one expects from a Van Damme movie. There is a lot of kung fu kicking. The story doesn't really make sense. I don't know why anybody would bother with the suicide vest. What's the point of the weaponized priest bus? None of it has any reality. The production is lower quality. This is a B-movie without any fun or any tension.
Leofwine_draca Will wonders never cease? First off, I caught a not-bad Seagal film from 2008 on TV one night (the title is PISTOL WHIPPED, in case you're interested), proving that the ageing action hero can still make entertaining films on occasion. Now, three nights later, I've caught a Van Damme film from 2008 on the same channel, and guess what? It's pretty good! THE SHEPHERD is a throwback to the classic Van Damme thrillers of the 1990s, an action-packed testosterone ride full of vehicle chases (in this instance, a stand-out sequence has a coach – modified with machine-guns and a bullet-proof chassis – pursued across the US/Mexican border by Van Damme), intense shoot-outs, and some scorching martial arts action.The film itself might be pretty predictable but it's a step up from the last Van Damme film I watched, SECOND IN COMMAND. Isaac Florentine has proved himself to be one of the best straight-to-video action directors and he doesn't disappoint with his efforts here. The action choreography is slick and stylish, with nice clean fights and some great slow motion moves from the professionals. Van Damme is matched against Brit high-kicker Scott Adkins for an extended bout at the climax, and it's another highlight in a film full of 'em. Naked chicks, torture sequences, traitors, twists, suicide bombers, and balaclava-wearing bad guys: all of the ingredients are here and make up one thrill-ride of a film.Van Damme himself particularly shines in a role that stretches his acting as well as action chops. He's actually very good indeed as the ageing cop struggling to cope with dark memories from his past. Compare his acting here with that in CYBORG and you'll see just how far he's progressed. In fact, he gives the likes of some A-listers a run for their money here, and his acting blows Seagal's clean out of the water. He's supported by a cast seemingly recruited from British television: there's Stephen Lord, fresh off EASTENDERS and fairly convincing as Meyers, the chief bad guy, and Natalie J. Robb from DOCTORS as Van Damme's tough, ass-kicking superior (less convincing, but pretty enough). In any case, this is nothing new, but it runs through the action clichés with aplomb and sits solidly as one of Van Damme's best.
greengenes This movie was better than I thought it would be since most Jean Claude Van Damme movies I've seen since about 1995 have just sucked it. Van Damme and Scott Adkins are okay but this movie still is no better than the average Van Damme flick. Director Isaac Florentine, this is probably his fault since Van Damme gives a good performance (yes you read that right he doesn't suck in this movie). But his fighting is slowing down because his fight scenes are all just a few kicks and punches with nothing spectacular or anything you haven't seen a hundred times before in other Van Damme movies. The acting is okay and the story is actually pretty good but the fight scenes are below average and the directing is not very good.
tubs_is its a totally average film with a few semi-alright action sequences that make the plot seem a little better and remind the viewer of the classic van dam films. parts of the plot don't make sense and seem to be added in to use up time. the end plot is that of a very basic type that doesn't leave the viewer guessing and any twists are obvious from the beginning. the end scene with the flask backs don't make sense as they are added in and seem to have little relevance to the history of van dam's character. not really worth watching again, bit disappointed in the end production, even though it is apparent it was shot on a low budget certain shots and sections in the film are of poor directed quality
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