R | 01 February 2009 (USA)
Ingenious Trailers

A rags-to-riches story of two friends, a small-time inventor and a sharky salesman, who hit rock bottom before coming up with a gizmo that becomes a worldwide phenomenon.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Mort Payne I felt like the message of this film was that gambling is great because if you keep throwing your money at slim chances, eventually you'll hit big on something. The characters are all utterly unlikeable, and although Balsmeyer wants us to believe they redeemed themselves, they didn't. They simply blew it all on one more gamble and got lucky. The actors felt like bad 90s sitcom leftovers. I kept waiting for them to reveal that it was all a gag. But it wasn't. Rags to riches stories are meaningful only if the plot involves admirable choices on the part of the heroes. The type of scum who spend their lives concocting pointless garbage like talking beer openers don't deserve a film celebrating their uselessness.
melissa-504-989520 This movie is terrific. The overarching story of one man's attempt to allow one excellent idea to flow through him from "the universal mind" was authentic, believable and thoroughly inspirational. The actors, the script and the setting were fresh and absolutely cool. The look of the film - sort of 70's-esque -, the script, and music were terrific. The movie was a bit choppy in a couple of places. The various story lines & scenes of the inventor, the friends, the romances, the family members all seemed bona fide. I absolutely loved the setting and dialogue. Overall, the freshness factor of this movie, the mostly excellent production, and the inspirational story make this a movie I will recommend to everyone I know.
Lee Rushlow It was hard to sit through so much stupidity--stupid ideas, stupid actions (such as repeatedly gambling away any chance of successfully launching a product or, for that matter, saving an important relationship), stupid business dealings. I had hoped for some redemption, but alas, the end product of all the travails was, at best, trivial. The characters were trivial, with trivial dreams and goals who wanted nothing other than financial success at any cost. And what are viewers ultimately rewarded with? A talking bottle opener. Great. That really made it all worthwhile. Sell a billion of them, and it's still trivial. "And what did you do with your life, Dad?" "I was the brains behind the Talking Bottle Opener!"
Kevin Gillette Just saw this film at the AFI Dallas Film Festival. I was very impressed with all elements of the film: acting, direction, editing (though the dialog transitions were sometimes a little shaky), cinematography, etc. Dallas Roberts (Matt) and Jeremy Renner (Sam), who had not worked together previously, establish an amazing on-screen chemistry as best friends struggling to run a novelty gift business. The dilapidated storefront they operate out of is the emblem of their entrepreneurial disconnect: high on energy and ideas, low on success. Ayelet Zurer, the smoldering Israeli beauty, plays Matt's long-suffering wife Gina with nuance and flair.I would recommend this film not only to indie fans who like a fair amount of high-speed comedy mixed in with their drama, but also to *anyone* who has ever tried to run their own business, and really put themselves out on a limb for an idea or a dream.All great films (and this is surely one of them) have a key line or scene that summarizes the film. Without giving anything away, I will tell you that in this film, it is the closing scene atop a mountain with Matt and Gina.Jeremy Renner was at the screening for a Q&A. He was funny, quirky, and candid, much like his character in the film. I can't wait to see this guy in more vehicles, even the television series "The Unusuals" that he's making with Amber Tamblyn.Two thumbs way up!