Magic Mike
Magic Mike
R | 29 June 2012 (USA)
Magic Mike Trailers

Mike, an experienced stripper, takes a younger performer called The Kid under his wing and schools him in the arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
cinemajesty "What can we do with seven hours?" (until breakfast reference), when the line drops at the end of "Magic Mike" directed by Steven Soderbergh putting the title giving main character, performed by gone-fishing Channing Tatum in his element, in a life changing situation with actress Cody Horn, it becomes that the movie rushed to the finish line with the perfect matching song of Foreigner's "It Feels Like First Time". Thanks to the director deep-understanding of his characters desires "Magic Mike" becomes a smash hit at the U.S. box office in Summer 2012 with a minimalistic independence budget of 7 million U.S. Dollars.Steven Soderbergh, being his own cinematographer and doing the editorials, brings the story of struggling Mike about to become a male stripper in the depth of Florida State under money-focused surveillance of Matthew McConaughey portrait of Dallas seconding Tom Cruise performance of Frank T.J. Mackey in Paul Thomas Anderson's "Magnolia" (1999) with extra charm and sense of the seducing spectacle instead of dismantling lectures of women's secret male fantasies before Steven Soderbergh ingeniously cuts the scene abruptly to tell Magic Mike's story coming out of bed taking a leak.The film's story that involves has the simplicity of a classic, no bull-shitting, straight forward coverage and action beats of dancing tainted and shaved males in a Tampa underground strip club, where the character of Dallas rules with iron fist. Magic Mike becomes all the benefits after having his breakthrough performance on stage with close to break dance act, earning respect and fortune of whole crew before Alex Pettyfer in the character of Adam breaks the bound of the team with over-driving the giving parameters of male stripping job in drugs and money flushing debts."Magic Mike" shares an humanized look on a niche of never-stop struggling working class in the United States, which makes the movie a piece of entertainment enduring its distribution windows to this day and furthermore accelerated the careers of every cast and crew member involved in the projects and least for some quality time before struggle for novelty financing outside the Hollywood system all over again, in which respectably speaking has become Director Steven Soderbergh a master in his own right since his sky-rocketing independent debut "Sex, Lies and Videotape" at 1989er edition of the Cannes Film Festival, struggling his way every since up and down nevertheless to top in season 2000/2001 with the "Erin Brockovich" and "Traffic" double bill, beating Ridley Scott, Ang Lee and arguably the critic's choice from theater-coming Stephen Daldry in AMPAS votes at the 73rd edition of the Academy Awards.It leaves me as specter in awe to watch the upcoming project "Lucky Logan", collaborating once again with actor Channing Tatum surrounded by another diversity of casting choices, all up front Daniel Craig in the role of Joe Bang, soon to be released, after the director's abstinence of the circuit for four years.© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)
Davis P Magic Mike (2012) is one of my favorite movies. Okay I'm gonna review this film in two different ways. First: the stripping and sexy part, the stuff they advertised and why it attracted a lot of people. Okay so the sex appeal and stripping is definitely reason enough to see this movie. Every single male entertainer is very very attractive and KNOWS how to perform. Alex Petyffer, Channing Tatum, Adam Rodriquez, Matt Bomer, and Matthew McConaughey are all to die for in this film, very irresistible, and that is needed in the film because it's about strippers for gods sake, they have to be sexy and they must know how to perform the routines well, and believe me, they got that COVERED. And I enjoyed that part of the movie very much, it feels like you're actually in the audience. Now for the second aspect of the movie: the drama, the meat, everything other than the sexy stripteases. The actors in the movie are a lot more than just sexy guys who can get down like nobodies business. Channing Tatum gives a terrific performance! I absolutely loved his portrayal of Mike. He was very sweet and kind hearted, he wasn't just some typical arrogant male stripper that has sex every 5 minutes, no his character was so layered and detailed, and I loved seeing those layers peel back, getting to see the "real Mike". Alex Petyffer was also very good, he wasn't as good as Tatum, but he still turned in a pretty good performance. His character was not as detailed and layered, his did have some depth, but not as much. Matthew McConaughey gives a wonderful performance! I loved him in this movie, he's so into his role and so intense with everything. The scene where he's "teaching" Adam how to tease and dance is sooo well done. The way Matthew moves, the way he talks to him, what he says is all written and acted out perfectly. The movie address both the highs and lows of being an adult entertainer. There are scenes where it shows the potential harms of being in that industry. And I liked that, gave it more depth. Cody Horn is great in this movie! I loved her performance, it was very real and serious a lot of the time, then she could get loose and fun when she needed to. All in all its a sexy movie with great acting, good writing, and more depth than one might expect.
mistoppi I'm surprised how many people talking about this movie (and I mean talking it about casually. I haven't exactly read any other reviews or blog posts) leave out how good the story is. From what people have said I've just assumed it's a cute male stripper story, but there was a lot of depth left out. Sure, not all characters are deep and have a big reason for why they are stripping apart from money, but at least it's explained why the main character wants the money. It was interesting to see that Mike actually wanted to do something else because I didn't think that was the case at first.The story is an excellent drama with a lot of ups and downs both in the story and the writing itself. The whole idea is quite good, and it's interesting to see what is going to happen, bu a lot of the characters are left blank. Does the audience care about anyone else than Mike and maybe a little about Adam? It's like Channing Tatum is the only one giving life to this movie, and all the other actors are mere accessories. Without Tatum this movie would feel even more hollow. Visually this movie is amazing, and I'm not just talking about the cast. I mean the choreographic used in the dance numbers is excellent, and the colour scheme is extremely nice. I enjoyed this movie quite a lot, yet I have hard time figuring out why exactly. The story is good but not great, and that goes for many things in this movie, like the soundtrack, cinematography, etc. But I'd feel a bit horrible to say that the only thing that kept me interesting was all the hot men, because that wouldn't be true. I think it's Channing Tatum who makes this movie enjoyable - he's charming, funny and easy on the eye, and a lot better at acting than people say he is. He seems like an absolute sweetheart.
Dalbert Pringle .... And the show must go on.... And the clothes must come off....So, if you're someone who honestly thinks that having Channing Tatum's ass-crack in your face is really the total highlight of worthwhile entertainment - Then, yep, this yawn-a-minute thumb-twiddler about the snivelling pettiness of male strippers is sure to delight you from start to finish.And, with keeping that in mind - I'm sure you can easily understand why I found Mike (and his bare-assed buddies) to be "less-than-magic" in every aspect imaginable. In fact, I found that this pretentious, empty-headed drivel became real tiresome, real fast.From plenty of utterly asinine dialogue, to complex dance numbers requiring no rehearsal time at all, to a brain-dead "boy-meets-girl" soap opera (thrown in for good measure) - I ask you - How the hell did this crap movie ever warrant itself a sequel? P.S. - Of course, finding out that "Magic Mike's" star, Channing Tatum, co-produced this forgettable flatulence certainly helped me to understand why such white-trash storytelling as this took the pointless direction that it did.