10 Years
10 Years
PG-13 | 14 September 2012 (USA)
10 Years Trailers

A group of friends reunite ten years after their high-school graduation.

Micitype Pretty Good
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
spencergrande6 This is a movie of a loosely affiliated "types" all getting together for their reunion and every one of them just has this one storyline they need to take care of and resolve from their school days. Why this particular melange of characters would have ever hung out together I don't know. Why it's all so schmaltzy and corny, also I don't know. But it's somewhat pleasing and the cast is stupendous. Chris Pratt drunk acting is top-shelf stuff. Even Channing Tatum, while not fall-down inebriated at any point, does a very good low-level drunk face the whole movie - I'm pretty sure that's acting.
Floated2 10 Years is an ensemble film starring several actors in an attempt to recreate their 10 year high school reunion. The film is listed as a comedy and drama, though most of what we see are desperate attempts and they fall flat. The film doesn't offer much and for a film with many talented actors, the film is surprisingly dull, not too funny and very predictable. The actors are essentially playing themselves to an extent. The film has been noted to generate little buzz which is a major reason why it flopped at the box office. These certain type of films very rarely perform well at the box office. Though the film did receive generally good enough reviews. Overall, 10 years could have been much better, which is left as a disappointment, and of the more forgotten films of this decade.
Ole Sandbaek Joergensen This story has been told many times before, the high school reunion, 10 years after graduation. Can the bonds be broken, are we changed or are we really the same as back then, can we make a mens or do we fall back into the role from ten years ago because it is in the blood or nature or however you want to describe it.This is a very enjoyable flick, nothing new to the story, but a good cast with great characters and different personalities, this is the tail of an ordinary ten year high school reunion, I guess. Any way, I was entertained and it was very nice for a relaxing time on a easy going afternoon.So you might enjoy it also, it is simple and to the point, nothing elaborate or hidden messaging.
kosmasp You have to have a heart for this kind of movie to watch it. It's not for everyone for apparent reasons. This is a silly little romantic drama, that is very nostalgia driven. It might work for some and not for others, based on how much they'll be willing to get into the characters or maybe even have lived some of the situations.Actors wise, you do get quite a few recognizable faces, that actually can pull off something like this. It's like with most reunions, some have moved on well, some are prancing, some are still the same, while pretending to have grown and so forth. While Mr. Guardians of the Galaxy might seem to have an unthankful role, he cherishes in it. And while I haven't read too much about the origin of the movie, Tatum producing it while also acting in it, might be an indicator that he was involved in some of the story decisions too. A decent effort overall