The Eagle
The Eagle
PG-13 | 11 February 2011 (USA)
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In 140 AD, twenty years after the unexplained disappearance of the entire Ninth Legion in the mountains of Scotland, young centurion Marcus Aquila arrives from Rome to solve the mystery and restore the reputation of his father, the commander of the Ninth. Accompanied only by his British slave Esca, Marcus sets out across Hadrian's Wall into the uncharted highlands of Caledonia - to confront its savage tribes, make peace with his father's memory, and retrieve the lost legion's golden emblem, the Eagle of the Ninth.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
PlatinumRead Just bad
Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Crook Cooper The film, based on the book Rosemary Sitkliffs - one of the first historical films that I saw. A good story, a great game of actors, which, in turn, are well chosen for their role. Very well revealed the history of the Roman Empire. Hikes, battles, attitudes, culture, and many other nuances of that time are adequately displayed in this scenario, which allows the viewer to get acquainted with part of the history and culture of not only the Roman Empire, but also the tribes of Britain. I watched the movie "The Eagle" with great admiration and thanks to him, I fell in love with such a historical genre of films. The film deserves a maximum score of 10/10
Kirpianuscus against its subject, it is only a contemporary story.the honor, the discover of the other, the force of friendship, the link between enemies in special context, the frontier of the empire and the legacy of father, the adventures and the self discover, constellation of values and examples of determination in difficult situations. result - a pretty story who, scene by scene, becomes more far by the presumed historical context. the gift - to discover a different Channing Tatum. making a great job, he gives to his Marcus interesting traits who are good points for the portrait of the son looking save the honor of his father,becoming witness of a world out of knowledge, conquering a better perception about himself. all as reflection of contemporary America in the mirror of mythical past.
begob Starts well - a new commander arrives at a military base on the Roman frontier, deals with a bit of insubordination by anticipating an attack, and proves himself in battle. His mission is to restore his family's honour by retrieving the eagle lost by his father in a military disaster.The lead is a bit weak, so he doesn't command respect, but I was looking forward to his quest for the eagle. I expected a picaresque story as the hero headed through Roman Britain, but the director just gave us a map with cod ancient place names and jumped forward to Hadrian's Wall - like entering Mordor-lite.There was an interesting twist, when master became slave, but the story didn't do much with it. Apart from that it was just fantasy, with wooden characters and a bit of gaelic from the Conan-type barbarians.This is history according to the American Marines - sword twirling interrupted every so often with toe-curling sentiments, and at the end a laughterless joke.Also no babes.Interesting idea, bad story. But it looked pretty good, so 3/10.
starving_college_student This isn't a bad film. It has some nice photography, action scenes and some good scenes. But overall it doesn't rise above average. While the acting isn't bad, Tatum just doesn't have the dynamic ability to make Marcus deep or completely relatable. But that's not a huge deal. It's the story which is the biggest obstacle. The problem is: the story does everything you think it will before you even watch it (they go to look for the Eagle, they fight some people and they find it). It doesn't go in any unexpected directions, and it doesn't do anything unique (plus the final battle was too clichéd for my taste). If you're looking for something to kill a few hours, this might be for you. But don't expect to be blown away.