R | 08 July 2011 (USA)
Ironclad Trailers

In the year 1215, the rebel barons of England have forced their despised King John to put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, a seminal document that upheld the rights of free men. Yet within months of pledging himself to the great charter, the King reneged on his word and assembled a mercenary army on the south coast of England with the intention of bringing the barons and the country back under his tyrannical rule. Barring his way stood the mighty Rochester castle, a place that would become the symbol of the rebel's momentous struggle for justice and freedom.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
arthur_tafero First, let me mention the action scenes are well done. And that is all there is my friends, so lets keep dancing, break out the booze, and have a ball. The film is practically pure fiction, as King John, if you are a Protestant, is a bit of a hero, and if you are a Catholic, he is an evil, lecherous villain. With the long history of Hollywood films and television taking the side of the Papists (derogatory name for Catholics), John has been entrenched in history as a villain. The photography of this turkey is pretty bad, despite the well-chorographed battle scenes. The camera is often obviously hand-held and shaky on several shots. This script was tepid (except for the wonderful "you are no more a king than the boil on my arse"), which was not part of the script, anyway. 99% of the people who view this film will have no idea of the history behind it. They will just remember Robin Hood, evil King John, and other fantasies woven by pro-Catholic sympathiezers and Hollywood. Not there is anything wrong with that. If it were well done, like the Robin Hood film, all would be forgiven, but I was able to do a chapter of a book I am writing while watching this turkey.Dr. Arthur H Tafero (AskMrMovies)
Dario Balado During the Third Crusade between 1190 and 1194, King John of England, known as "John landless" attempted to usurp the throne of his brother Richard the Lionheart, who was fighting in the "Crusade of the Kings". Having been forgiven by his brother on his deathbed and appointed his heir, John began a reign that cost you maintain and John was the fifth son of Henry II and many disputed the throne. This led him to fight both Arthur of Brittany son of Richard and during most of his reign with the France of Louis VIII to gain recognition and support their lands. At the beginning of the thirteenth century King John was forced to sign in 1215 the "Magna Carta", which this June 15 met no less than 800 years. It determined that the monarch ceded some power being this limited, while the foundations of the common law in England sit. Thus a certain stability in the relationship with the barons of the kingdom would remain. The problem occurs when the king ignores the signed document, supported by the Pope and began a persecution of the barons who took part in the signing of the Charter with the intention of regaining power in the kingdom. So it begins at the First Barons' War (1215-1217). It is at this point that the film begins, we see it reflected the harshness and brutality of medieval siege of England in the early thirteenth century. Baron Albany is observed bringing together a group of gentlemen who along with Thomas Marshal, a Templar knight. The same, possibly a fictional character inspired by William Marshall, who really was not a Templar knight, supported Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton, throughout the film struggle not only against the army of King Juan but also against himself, and you can see try not to break their vows of chastity once she meets Lady Isabel who was wife of Baron Reginald of Cornhill, a resident of Rochester Castle. The rebel group led by Baron Albany takes the castle on behalf of the rebellion and that is where the resistance begins. You can see the seven months that the siege carried out by King John, summarized in the lack of supplies must overcome those who were part of the resistance. An army of mercenaries hired by the Danish monarch trying to take the castle, including destroying part of it, since it represented a strategic position to the domain of southern England. Thus an almost constant battle in which you can see the cruelty of the time, perhaps exaggerated and blood for others, bordering on explicitness view movies Tarantino pound. The resolution of the story, and therefore siege by John Lackland, the hotel is a little of what really happened, but what the hell !!! this is Hollywood.
adonis98-743-186503 Saw this today and it was truly epic full of really good performances and the gore was even better than the 300. Brian Cox gives an amazing performance the same goes for Paul Giamatti who for once again he is great like he is in everything. I liked the characters i liked the action and i like the cast a really great movie to watch this film shows us why Hollywood should be more R instead of PG some scenes are so full on blood people loose hands, heads, arms,legs,foots and others are cut in half. The main protagonist is a badass i really hope we see him in more films you might know him from Solomon Kane. If you love those kind of movies you will love this one also.
brchthethird While not very deep, and light on character development, IRONCLAD is a well-made medieval action movie which is like BRAVEHEART crossed with THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. The story is about the siege of Rochester Castle during the final years of King John of England's reign. A group of seven men, led by a Knight Templar (James Purefoy) go to Rochester Castle to defend it against King John who his hellbent on retaking lands that he lost after signing the Magna Carta. The reason for it being Rochester Castle is because it was strategically important for the monarchy. During the first part of the movie, the team is assembled and the premise is set up rather well with an expository introduction (there is some voice-over sprinkled throughout the film). The latter part of the movie is the siege, and this is definitely the strongest part of the movie. The battle scenes are brutally violent and bloody, as limbs and heads are hacked and slashed in a variety of ways. What's even better is that most of it was accomplished using good-ole prosthetics, as opposed to CGI. However, up to this point, we don't really know much about the characters outside of Purefoy's Thomas Marshal. During a lull in between battle sequences is when the movie starts to pay attention to the characters. Even Paul Giamatti's villainous King John is given time to shine, which makes the film more balanced. Other than Giamatti, the best performance is given by James Purefoy, who is given the best treatment in the screenplay as a conflicted Knight Templar. As a man who has seen lots of bloodshed in his time as a knight, he begins to have second thoughts about his calling and, in the process, finds love with one of the women at the castle. Normally, when you talk about romantic subplots in movies, particularly action movies, they often feel tacked on or superfluous. Not so here, as the romance is in service of the characters and isn't overplayed. Other standout elements would be the cinematography, and the way the battle sequences were shot. They really put you into the thick of battle and give a good sense of what it might have been like to fend off an enemy in a confined space. The effects work during these sequences was also outstanding. The score was also well-done, and stirring when it needed to be. Overall, this movie is pretty good and definitely worth seeing. There are some philosophical questions pondered late into it, and while nothing really deep is said, it does add a little depth to what could have been just an ordinary medieval kill-fest. Recommended, especially to people who enjoy period war movies.