| 22 May 2010 (USA)
Witchville Trailers

When Prince Malachy returns to his father’s kingdom after the Crusades his first impression is that a bad harvest is the reason that the villagers are sick and hungry. But all is not as it seems and a stranger to the village, warns the new king that a dark force is the cause of their ills.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
robo8 Pros: Partially charismatic cast, fairly passionate, make best use of resources Cons: Low budget, partially weak acting Let me first tell you that I am no B-movie buff in any way. I don't grade them especially high. Giving this movie an 8 is not because it is as good as Lord of the Rings in every aspect, but rather because with the Resources handed, this is probably one of the better movies you could make.What sets it apart is that the actors, for the most part, buy into it and most of the main cast are fairly charismatic. The true subpar acting you'd expect in movies like these are confined to lesser, supporting actors. There is attention to detail and some passion and effort both in from of and behind the camera.To be fair – this movie probably struck a chord with me personally somehow. It is not a great story, it is not magical directing – but it is a good enough, low-budget matinée and if you're into fantasy and can stand low-budget, this one will probably at least amuse you for the time being.
daletheminoltaman This movie is just plain awful, not fun awful, not funny awful, just AWFUL! How someone could give this piece of trash more than 1 star is beyond me. Horrible effects, zero plot, even worse acting makes for the perfect mix to create a classic syfy channel movie. It is a real shame that syfy cranks out these stinkers, I love scifi movies, fantasy movies and horror movies so the syfy channel has potential to be a great station but yet they insist on cranking out these pieces of trash on a regular basis. Syfy movie has become a synonym for bad movies. There are so many great low budget scifi and horror movies out there, I will never understand why they insist on creating messes like this instead of spending a little time to find good low budget movies to broadcast.MY rating for this movie is -1.5 out of 10.
sane1216 SyFy movies are a dime a dozen on Saturday nights and this one has a decent and original story line. There are no big blockbuster effects and no deep philosophical plot twists or ideologies. It's simply a sword and sorcery fantasy movie with tidbits of action here and there. Taking it for what it is keeps it in perspective. Those individuals who will think its "apallingly bad" are individuals who can't look past the low budget presentation of the film, although this one isn't that low budget in presentation.The acting is decent for a SyFy movie, the effects are decent, fight scenes decent and setting decent. Again it's not your top of the line straight to the box office film....take it for what it is and stop trying to be the newest critic on the block. We have enough of those.This review is mostly written to counter one of the complaints given in another review. The following may contain spoilers: The story showed Jozefa's (MyAnna Buring) conflict with her mother, the Red Queen from the Red Queen's initial introduction. So the fact she found out the King is her brother along with the fact that she's taken a liking to the King's best friend is the catalyst for her betrayal. Not to mention the King's best friend talking her down.
abominablebro This movie was a rather large improvement from Syfy's usual Saturday night original flicks. The visual effects were some of the best I have seen in one of these low budget movies. I especially liked the atmosphere and lighting that was portrayed throughout the film. It gave a little bonus to the enjoyment. The acting was very good, not just from the main cast, but from the whole cast. There were a couple of scenes with some interesting music that fitted the scenes very well. The ending was nothing special, but it wasn't lazy either. Overall the film was well worth the watch and won't disappoint. I enjoyed the movie a lot and plan to watch it again the next time it airs on Syfy channel. Look for the T.V. guide, people!