Rise of the Gargoyles
Rise of the Gargoyles
PG-13 | 21 June 2009 (USA)
Rise of the Gargoyles Trailers

Workers involuntarily release a gargoyle that proceeds to behead those who took her eggs (and some who didn't!).

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
GL84 Stuck with writer's block, an American architect in Paris falls victim to a series of incidents around the city that is eventually realized to be a loosened gargoyle resurrected and running loose in the city forcing him and a reporter to find a way of stopping the creature's rampage.This one was quite an enjoyable and entertaining creature feature. One of the strongest parts here is the fact that there's a lot of fun to be had with the creatures' history-based backstory which is quite well-detailed. Taking full advantage of the strong connections possible with the city's deep connection to these creatures as well as the information given out during the visits to these locations there's some nice work here of this one utilizing the strong history of gargoyles in French culture. Likewise, there's a great connection with the creature here and the absolutely chilling locations found here as the main church where the action takes place is just as good with the crazy architecture coming along to give this a fine Gothic features that are highly chilling alongside the statues and depictions of other historical events that are placed around the catacombs later on which all gives this one a lot to like. That also leads into the strong action scenes which are quite fun and manage to include the usual standard Sci-Fi Channel series of attacks that range from the short, quick attacks as in the opening down in the basement, the different attacks on the lone individuals out on the city streets and the great encounter at the hotel where the chilling run-ins with the stone gargoyles before leading into the actual encounter here all being quite nice examples. In conjunction with the other rather fun longer attacks featured as a part of this as the opening attacks in the church basement, his colleagues encounter with the creature in her apartment where the creature chases her onto the rooftop for a great sequence as well as the great sequence at the TV station where they come face-to-face with it for the first time is quite the overall fun time here. As well, the finale in the catacombs makes for a gloriously fun sequence where they do battle against the creature leading to the numerous situations in the underground as well as up in the main section of the church for a blazing, high-action finale. Along with the great design and some bloody kills, there's a lot to really like here. It does have a few minor flaws here, namely in the fact that there's no real need for the film to go for the doubting authority to the degree it is in here, which really stretches disbelief in the way he sticks to the guilty reasoning despite the evidence about the claw showing that something inhuman is in the city limits which makes the insistence a little questionable so late into the film. As well, there's the traditional flaw present in these films with some really lousy effects for the title creature, for its design is cool but shoddily rendered in the usual Sci-Fi Channel style of flaws. These here are all that's really wrong here.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
Claudio Carvalho In Paris, two workers find a hidden chamber while digging the underground of the Saint Jean André Church. They collect the valuable objects in the spot but they are attacked by a creature. Meanwhile, the discredited Professor Jack Randall (Eric Balfour), who wrote a book about Gargoyles rejected by the experts, is encouraged by his friend Carol Beckham (Tanya Clark) to peek the place out. They sneak in the site during the night and while Carol is collecting some artifacts, Jack is recording with his camera. Out of the blue, Jack sees a winged monster coming towards him and he flees from the location with Carol, but breaks his camera. They go to a bar and a huge stone falls over his car. Jack takes a cab to his boarding house and Carol is attacked and beheaded by a Gargoyle at her apartment. On the next morning, Jack identifies Carol's body and becomes the prime suspect of Inspector Gibert (Ifan Huw Dafydd) of several murders. Jack decides to seek out the reporter of a sensationalist newspaper, Nicole Ricard (Caroline Néron), and gives his tape to her cameraman Walsh (Justin Salinger). When Walsh recovers the badly shaped footage, he shows Nicole and they realize that Jack is not crazy and he had seen a Gargoyle indeed in the underground of the church. They decide to return to the church to investigate. "Rise of the Gargoyles" is a television movie with a non-original story, terrible screenplay, excessive use of clichés, reasonable acting and decent special effects. The greatest problem of the story is the limited budget that makes absurd that anyone in a crowded city like Paris does not see the Gargoyle attack. There are many flaws in the plot; for example, after the disappearance of Inspector Gibert, his investigation seems to be forgotten despite the great number of deaths in Paris. Another example, Jack never grieves the death of Carol. Father Gable using a rifle is also ridiculous. The good point is the gorgeous and talented Tanya Clark that I did not know but has a good, but short performance. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "Filhos da Escuridão" ("Sons of the Darkness")
dbborroughs Workmen digging in Paris find a hidden passageway that leads to the burial place of a Gargoyle, a great winged monster that turns to stone in daylight. Its up to a professor and a few other people who know the truth to hunt the beast down before it reproduces.Better than most similar films works thanks to a better script, good effects, a good cast which doesn't seem to be working just for a buck and a director and crew who tried to turn out something other than a TV movie. I really liked this a great deal. I'm a monster nut, I love a good monster movie and will gladly sit down and watch anything with a monster. As a result I've sat through a good number of real turkey's many that premiered on the SyFy network. Most of the films seem to have been cobbled together just to make a buck. here there is none of that. We get real characters, some actors who give good performances and a sense that if the crew cares they may get to make another film. The love shows and you enjoy the movie.Certainly the plot and all that happens are ultimately rubbish, but at the same time its done well enough that you its 90 odd minutes you suspend your disbelief long enough that you end up hearing a good story.Worth a look.
Autobogg Cool CGI with this film since it's shot on video. The gargoyle grows a stone skin during daylight as camouflage and is affected by UV or simulated sunlight lamps. This makes it freeze in place but only if sunlight hits it. Otherwise, it reverts back in darkness. This turning to stone motif is exactly like Disney's Gargoyles cartoon (except Disney's stayed stone all day). This creature actually flies and bullets just nick the skin! Also Eric Balfour reminds me of David Naughton in "An American Werewolf in London". A pretty decent film shot entirely in Paris. This beast is vicious and shows no mercy with moves like a flyby decapitation. I like the underground tunnels and rooms of the egg nest (it's a female) and that they are ..."older than Rome".