Killer Joe
Killer Joe
NC-17 | 27 July 2012 (USA)
Killer Joe Trailers

A cop who moonlights as a hit man agrees to kill the hated mother of a desperate drug dealer in exchange for a tumble with the young man's virginal sister.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Alyssa Black (Aly200) Oscar winning director William Friedkin has never been afraid to shy away from dark material as evidenced by the controversial, but Oscar nominated "The Exorcist" in 1973. However Friedkin outdoes that unsettling supernatural horror film with this deeply disturbing thriller that makes "The Exorcist" look tame by comparison. Based on the play by Tracy Letts (who also wrote the Award winning 'Aigust: Osage County'), the film follows a financially desperate family who hires a mysterious P.I./hit-man to kill the former familial matriarch. However the situation soon spirals into a torrent of terrifyingly uncomfortable scenes of violence and sexual depravity that leaves a shocking wave of startling consequences in its wake. The film is well cast with Emile Hirsch as the ne'er do well son who hires the titular hit-man; Hirsch plays his character, Chris, with a well meaning demeanor towards his little sister, Dottie, but Chris does not comprehend what his actions will unleash once he contacts Joe Cooper and ultimately learns the severity of what he has done. Thomas Haden Church, no stranger to playing some desperate characters (watch his work in "SpiderMan 3" for an example) is the dimwitted patriarch who just goes with the flow of his son's insane plan to off his ex-wife. Gina Gershon is the foul mouthed and self-serving stepmother who is in the plan for her own gain & also pays quite a sick and bloody price for her own foolish motives. Then there's the virginal-like, but emotionally (and clearly mentally impaired) Dottie, played to perfection by Juno Temple. Dottie sadly doesn't have a filter when voicing her thoughts which hurts the plans of her family, but her childish persona is what draws the normally aloof Joe Cooper to her; providing a unique relationship dynamic aside from the dysfunctional family angle.The film's standout performance however goes to Matthew McConaughey's subtlety maniacal & volatile portrayal of the title character. At first we are shown how calm and collected his demeanor normally is; tapping into the usual McConaughey skill set. However as the film progresses & his cruelty is slowly uncovered, unease begins to set in particularly when he seduces the virginal Dottie (McConaughey was a rom-com lead for a reason, but this starts to veer away from that image). The climactic turn comes during the film's explosively depraved final act where Killer Joe's true sadistic side is unleashed as McConaughey screams epithets of threats and engages in one horrific scene of sexual depravity that will jar even the most stone-faced viewer. This is definitely the film that turned McConaughey into a far more bankable dramatic lead following his rom-com roles; there's no debate in my opinion that was a spooky turning point. The content of the film is definitely not for the squeamish viewer especially if one is familiar with some of director William Friedkin's work, again mostly with "The Exorcist". However given the levels of S&M type acts, these are probably the boldest risks taken by the screenwriters, director and the actors (again particularly from the usually likable Matthew McConaughey) which do pay off but at the cost of unforgettable imagery. If you dare, give "Killer Joe" a try, but be warned that you'll be in for a wild ride.
WildBullWriter This flick is awful on every level. The story is ridiculous, the characters unbelievable, the bad acting comical (though not meant to be). It is like a very, very bad cartoon. I watched it because someone told me it is "interesting" and I kept waiting, waiting, waiting for it to get interesting... and by the end had sorely regretted wasting my time. Even worse, I now have all the stupid imagery stored somewhere in my brain.And one more thing: The violence, including the sexual violence, is all gratuitous. Maybe that's why some people watch the flick. It's another reason why I wish I had not.I am bewildered that a director like Friedkin would have been even remotely connected to such a travesty. Also amazed that the actors, some with good reputations for their work, would have participated in this mess.
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Killer Joe" (2011) left me speechless. Not that i loved it exactly, but this is expertly directed, expertly acted and superbly written thriller. Acting is superb by all involved. Plot was interesting, but script is so good that story becomes highly involving. It is also very funny movie at moments, but this is more dark humor. I didn't really liked the very ending, but it is interestingly made nevertheless.Overall, "Killer Joe" is definitely a very good movie. It has some shocking scenes and it is superbly crafted picture. It is bloody at the moments, but it not a gore fest.
thepc71 This comment does not contain any spoilers nor will be very long.It should be obvious by now that this not a movie for sensible people. It is not a soft movie, with some suspense and some shooting. It is a hard movie to watch with a brutal but simple plot. It is violent and disturbing. Having said that, the performance from the actors are superb. They make you believe this is a true story, rolling in front of us to witness. The director does a very good job, the cinematography is good and except for one seen all the action is very believable. Kudos to the writers, the 5 main characters are a particular kind of f****d up person. And this movie is seriously f****d up. An immersive experience that is hard to replicate, it deserves my 7/10.