The Lodge
The Lodge
| 11 April 2008 (USA)
The Lodge Trailers

A young couple's weekend getaway at a secluded mountain ranch becomes an unfathomable nightmare when they discover the truth about the caretaker.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
nigelbroome About as far away from the shining and cabin in the woods as you could possibly get. Terrible acting, unbelievable story line and just poor start to finish. I'm still annoyed that they could compare these films to this rubbish, completely misleading and and an outright lie.The make up was so amateur it was laughable, I really do not understand how this rubbish can get produced and sell in a shop. I genuinely feel cheated and ripped off, there should be tighter controls on the information given on the DVD box. For instance rotten tomatoes gave it 9% so how could they then endorse it?Do not waste your time watching this film.
Sweetie Woozle Loved-Up young couple go to the remotest most faraway place called "The Lodge" for a solitary weekend of sex and not a lot else. Won't spoil anything, but very early indicators suggest all is not right and they should turn around and get out of there! But of course they don't! In comes Mr Caretaker, who seems pretty amiable, but you're not quite sure about him. Quite a slow start and dark too (light-wise!) but before you know it, they're running for their lives and I'll leave you to watch the rest. If you're over 25, then you've seen it all before and don't expect too much from this film. There are some jumpy moments (and disturbing ones too, if you're faint of heart) but if you're a teenager then, apart from a couple of not-so-nice scenes, this will possibly have you reaching for the cushions to hide behind. Standard Remote-House-In-The-Woods type stuff, but if you've got nothing better to do then it's worth a watch.
stephen kehoe (impossiblehim) Average looking woman goes to a Lodge with below-average looking boyfriend, presumably to have sex. For the next hour we see the couple have sex, talk about sex and wonder about the lone man who they're sharing the lodge with. The lone man then proceeds to do weird 'sickening' acts such as smelling the average looking woman's knickers. Were then treated to yet another 'lets tie the woman up and torment her' type of scenarios....we also have not so shocking 'could this be incest' moments when the lone man suddenly has a daughter type tagging along to help him in his deeds. The film seems to go nowhere and has no tension at all.....there is no real category for this's not thrilling, it's not scary, it has no gore and the ending is just as bad as the rest of the film. This is one of those boring, long-winded films that pretends to be a shocker but fails to deliver on every count. Avoid at all costs.
chrichtonsworld What is the use of watching a thriller if you already know what is going to happen. Well,there could be some surprises thrown in that make it worth wile. Apart from a couple of creepy moments this movie has nothing interesting to offer. From the start you know how everything will play out. This could have been just fine if this movie delivered on other fronts. Apart from one element there are no redeeming factors. I can't talk about this element without spoiling the movie. But it does gives a bizarre twist on matters. Warning: Don't expect too much from this twist however since it is the most ridiculous twist I have seen. Some explanation could have made it more acceptable. Is this movie a waste of time? If there is nothing on television and you have nothing better to do than you won't be sorry. As long as you don't expect too much.