The Boxer
The Boxer
R | 31 December 1997 (USA)
The Boxer Trailers

Nineteen-year-old Danny Flynn is imprisoned for his involvement with the I.R.A. in Belfast. He leaves behind his family and his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Maggie Hamill. Fourteen years later, Danny is released from prison and returns to his old working class neighborhood to resume his life as a boxer.

Wordiezett So much average
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
fredtee I like the scene in, I presume, Great Britain, where the Rich and Famous immaculately dressed with excited young gorgeous women sip champagne seated at candelabra-lighted dining tables watching the boxing match in the center of the room. Danny Flynn, the white guy beats the black guy (no name) to a bloody pulp, but the referee will not stop the fight. Disgusted, Danny Flynn leaves the ring, while some obviously important guy yells out, "you'll never fight here again."It is an interesting and not-so-subtle commentary on discrimination in British High Society, while the Northern Irish religious-sectarian war, the focus of the film, drags on.
Leftbanker This film is an absolute masterpiece from beginning to end. Few movies have so much to tell and then find such inventive ways to narrate the story. Only minutes into the film we are shown this incredibly dark world of Northern Ireland, the IRA, their prisoners and wives, and the conflicts that divide…what? Who? And forget about Why. Although this violent world is the setting for the film, at the center it's a love story and a really good one.Not a second is wasted in opening minutes to bring us up to speed as to what is happening for everyone involved…and there is a lot happening so pay close attention. I don't know if there has ever been more story contained in a single movie that what we are told in The Boxer. There are just so many people whose lives we seem to know intimately, call it character development but it's done such precision that it's difficult to believe that it all takes place in less than two hours. No movie has ever used time so effectively and movingly as we see here. Every single character could move on to inhabit another movie and we'd want to follow that story, too.The cinematography and the music were simply sublime, once again, from start to finish. The opening sequence is exhilarating and the final moments are what movies are all about. As I said, a masterpiece.The acting in this was just about the best that you will ever see in any movie ever. The individuals deserve credit but I always think that the director is ultimately responsible for the acting as he/she has the final say. Bravo to one and all.To those who criticized the film for somehow not portraying things as they truly are in Northern Ireland I say they can all go watch a documentary. In the end all of the killing there was absolutely pointless and stupid. Catholics fighting Protestants, one ignorant superstition against another is just what the world doesn't need.
Princess Kalista (PrincessKalista) In all honesty, Daniel Day-Lewis is a phenomenal actor and so is Emily Watson, but in this, I couldn't get into the characters. They weren't really as deep as I would have liked them to feel. I liked that it was a forbidden love and all but I really didn't like the Maggie character at all. She was so, I don't even know the words to describe it. She was very plain and unappealing to me. I know that I wouldn't risk my life for her and her bratty kid. The story though, was pretty well received. The character Harry was really hated by me. It was like watching an Irish Joffery(Game of Thrones) almost. Overall it was a good movie, just not as good as I would have expected after watching In the Name of the Father.
mjhalta This is a most excellent movie and should garner a higher rating. The acting is superb by everyone. This movie really opens your eyes to the day to day living conditions during the days when terror reined in Northern Ireland. It has a great plot and some good boxing scenes and more then enough tension for us old timers who still remember what that is. Yes the tension in this movie builds and builds to the final conflict between the forces of change and those that want things to stay the same. This movie is one that I could watch again immediately just because it is that good. I will add it to my growing collection. Some will find this movie slow moving and perhaps even boring but thats typical of todays movie goer's. They want to see the monster immediately and there must be at least 10 violent deaths per minute or they fall asleep and give the movie a bad rating.