PG-13 | 13 September 2004 (USA)
Wimbledon Trailers

British tennis player Peter clutches to an embarrassingly low position on the tennis-ranking ladder. Handed a wild card for Wimbledon, he expects it to be his final bow.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Prismark10 The advent of Andy Murray has badly aged these type of films. When you have a true life British Wimbledon champion, you care less about a fictional one.This film gets served regularly during Wimbledon fortnight. It is a passable rom-com starring an actor who is rather unsuited to the genre.Paul Bettany plays Peter Colt, a has been British tennis player about to call it a day. He has a wildcard for Wimbledon and at his hotel he encounters rising American tennis star Lizzie Bradbury (Kirsten Dunst) who is coached by her father (Sam Neill.)What starts as flirting ends up being a bit more serious, the upside being Peter starts to win, he gains the attention of the British public and his agent (Jon Favreau.)It is a likeable film but it is rather bland and also by the numbers with very little comedy.
petarmatic I enjoyed this film. I always loved watching Wimbledon and this film reminded me of Goran Ivanisevic winning Wimbledon as a wild card some years back. I wonder how much this story was inspired by that event? In any case plot is connected to those two weeks in Wimbledon when tennis comes to town. I am glad that we have a film which portrays all those events.I remember when I was there in 1994 and tried to get in, but I was not able, could not find a ticket, and I did not feel like lining up for one, pardon queuing. I watched all on the screens outside. It was a lot of fun! I thank the actors for acting well in this film. I really enjoyed Peter character played so well by Paul Bettany, after all I could of been that Peter in a different life, eh? ;)
emmatails I feel a bit guilty about not liking this movie. After all, it was a bit of fun. It's just that it felt as though the plot was trying very hard to be stretched out to 94 minutes. The main story could've probably been dealt with in a much more effective manner in almost half the time (I know this is not how the movie industry works but a girl can dream...) At its core, this film is a textbook rom-com disguised as a tennis flick to try and fool you into thinking you're seeing something new.Another reason I wasn't a fan was Kirsten Dunst. She was predictable and lacked something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I do like some Paul Bettany, so I felt obliged to be happy with his performance, but their match seemed odd, even though the chemistry worked for the most part. What made it worse was the blatant disregard for the amazing array of supporting characters, who were used for plot exposition rather than interest. I don't blame the actors, I blame the direction.All in all, Wimbledon is OK for a night in, but don't expect a comedic gem or anything particularly lasting.
SnoopyStyle Peter Colt (Paul Bettany) is an aging English tennis player. His ranking has slipped from 11th to 119th in the world. He is considering what to do next after this final Wimbledon. Then he encounters Lizzie Bradbury (Kirsten Dunst) when he enters the wrong hotel room. She's a rising American tennis star. Sam Neill plays her controlling father Dennis.For a sports movie, it just doesn't have the energy. The action isn't that compelling. It's just isn't shot well.Peter is a tired character, and it infects the movie especially early on. And his nagging narrations do not energize it in the least. Kirsten Dunst is doing her flirty best. The chemistry between the leads isn't all there. As a rom-com, it's barely passable.