Hallam Foe
Hallam Foe
| 30 September 2007 (USA)
Hallam Foe Trailers

Hallam's talent for spying on people reveals his darkest fears-and his most peculiar desires. Driven to expose the true cause of his mother's death, he instead finds himself searching the rooftops of the city for love.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
bowmanblue Hallam Foe could only be made in Britain. I could hardly see Hollywood film producers green-lighting a film that is about a reclusive, obsessive peeping tom who crossdresses and breaks and enters other people's property. And yet, he - Hallam Foe (aka Jamie Bell from Billy Elliot fame) - is our hero and, stranger still, we root for him.He gets in all sorts of trouble when he leaves his father and stepmother to go and live and work in Edinburgh, where he meets someone who looks like his late mother and then starts a relationship with her.The soundtrack is great and goes well with the beautiful shots of Edinburgh city from on high. There's not much of a story and normally that sounds like a negative. If you ask me what it was about, I can't really say - other than I loved it. It's touching without ever being sentimental and you actually care about the damaged characters you're watching.Plus there's a great scene that lists all the names you'll ever need to know concerning - well - body parts (if you know what I mean).
kluismans it is great to see jamie bell develop into such a fine actor. his performance in this lacklustre film really saved it from being completely unwatchable. it is a pity that his touching performance which was so subtle was not better used.the film doesn't know what it is, is it a peeping tom movie, are we going to discover the murky habitat of a teenage prowler. or is it a coming of age story as a young adolescent learns to deal with his mothers death. the film could neither play up to the sinister suggestions of the beginning or play it down. i kept waiting for something dangerous to happen, feeling that the story was stuck in a boring interlude, until i realised that was the story. a boy falls in love with a girl who looks like his mother - and the imagined murder of her mother was the interlude.well i still rate this film as watchable purely because of jamie bell's beautiful nuanced performance but for nothing else
Aristides-2 SPOILERS-SPOILERS-SPOILERSA technically gorgeous, beautifully acted movie, 'Hallam Foe' is nevertheless a niche film. Its focus group comprises smart adolescent boys who need a well made sexy movie to masturbate to as well as young men in their late thirties, who simply didn't have fulfilled the sexual adventures/relationships that they would have liked to have had. The story suffers for this specialized conceit. Early on the film skillfully suggests that the beautiful and sexy stepmother may be the killer of the leading character's, beloved mother. The first serious stroke scene has the stepmother unbelievably seducing the inexperienced 17 year old. 'Unbelievably' because in fact the movie ends by showing that she had nothing to do with the mother's death; the point of her seduction however was to imply how evil she is: not only kills the kid's mother and marries his father, but also corrupts him. So if she's not evil why would she jeopardize her marriage with someone the movie shows she is in love with (which attraction is reciprocated by her husband) to have sex with a teenager who has serious mental health issues (later on in the movie someone who knows him well describes him as 'creepy'. Yeah, he is!) But suddenly, he's cut loose by his parents and kicked out of the house (without any financial help by the way) and finds himself in Edinboro. On his second day in that city of a half a million people, he spots from a distant rooftop, walking in the street, a Doppelganger of his mother (except she's blond). Supposedly Ted Bundy's victims were quite often dark haired young women who parted their long hair in the middle, like his mum did. But the director of 'Mr. Foe' wants to make sure everyone really understands the prolonged Freudian anxiety this kid is going through and actually uses the same actress to be shown as dead mom. The mark of a not well thought out movie is finding Coincidence to smooth over story weaknesses or niche films and this major move of finding his faux mother is a classic of banal coincidence.Naughty, naughty! In closing, I do admit that this is probably the best made exploitation movie I've seen but alas, it is what it is.
StarsDown Mister Foe is another "indie coming of age dramedy" with a hip indie soundtrack about a charismatic teen with psychological problems. Hallam is a film about a boy who misses his dead mother and ends up striking up a relationship with a women who looks like her. Normally films handle the Oedipus complex a little tactfully but Mister Foe goes right for it and pulls no punches. Even after they set it up they go to the well once too often. Each character has a broadly drawn idea of their personality but we never get a sense of who they are. The fact that both of them have such emotional baggage is what is supposed to make it interesting, but they have that baggage because the film says they do. The baggage exists to create the characters and not that characters exist because of the baggage. At the end the character development seems to serve the plot more the the characters themselves. The best parts of this film is the voyeurism angle and even that seems to get lost in the shuffle and even downplayed to other aspects like a weak and unnecessary family drama in addition to a murder mystery that it seems even David Mackenzie tries to downplay and holds off as long as he can. Jamie Bell does give a great performance as Hallam playing a somber yet energetic teenager even if he doesn't have much to work with. David Mackenzie also does a great job of framing the film with some beautiful backdrops and backgrounds. It seems his weakest aspect is filming characters as his character moments are flat and uninteresting with the backgrounds being what gives it flare. Mister Foe is a character study of caricatures. It is fun and odd but at the same time shallow.