Just the Ticket
Just the Ticket
R | 01 February 1998 (USA)
Just the Ticket Trailers

Gary Starke is one of the best ticket scalpers in New York City. His girlfriend, Linda, doesn't approve of his criminal lifestyle, though, and dumps him when she gets the opportunity to study cooking in Paris. Gary realizes that he has to give up scalping if he has any chance of winning her back. But before he does, he wants to cash out on one last big score. He gets his chance when the pope announces he'll be performing Easter Mass at Yankee Stadium.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
e-blowers In England they are known as Ticket Touts, but whether you know them as Touts or Scalpers the character is the same. Unpleasant. So an unlikely candidate as a leading character in a romantic comedy? Maybe so, but this is one of the things that sets this film apart from the average romantic comedy. Another is the performances. Not Oscar winning stuff maybe, but they all seem to be getting the most out of their roles. While the focus is on the relationship between Garcia and McDowell, the relationship between Garcia and his pal/father figure Benny underpins the film and ultimately is the catalyst which is the reason for the ending. Benny is ably played by Richard Bradford, at last being given a chance to stretch his wings outside of the corrupt coppers he is usually asked to play, and you would have to be a hard hearted person not to be touched by his portrayal. It is such a shame that so much of "Benny" ultimately ended up on the cutting room floor and so we are only given a glimpse of why Garcia takes him under his wing.If you want your intellect stretched, look elsewhere. But if you want to curl up on the sofa armed with a box of Kleenex and a box of chocolates, you could do a lot worse than let this film into your living room.
Amy Adler Gary (Andy Garcia) makes his living in NYC scalping tickets. A charming crook, he has attracted the attention of would-be chef Linda (Andie MacDowell). They have had a go at a relationship but Linda has become unhappy about his profession and his careless ways. Seeing no future in the involvement, Linda has tried to end it. Yet, Gary keeps coming around, weakening her resolve. As these things go, other scalpers seem to be encroaching on Gary's territory. Will he give up the criminal life to win the affections of his girlfriend?This movie works because of the appeal of Garcia and MacDowell. They have a sparkling chemistry which is infectious. There are some funny scenes involving Garcia at Catholic confession as well as some dramatic ones concerning the up and down lives of the other scalpers. The ending is a demonstration of the adage "all's well that ends well". Although it is not the best romantic comedy out there, fans of the genre should give this movie a whirl. It might be just the ticket for an enjoyable evening of entertainment.
Soledad-2 Andy Garcia is one of my favorite actors and I sincerely believe that in "Just the Ticket" he is at his best. This movie is so spontaneous that everything seems real. I enjoyed "Just the Ticket" so much that wish to recommend it to you. Go and see it today.
Z-Bravo I saw this movie in a screening about a year ago (January 1998), when it was just called "The Scalper". Of course the studio had to monkey with the title, but I can't imagine what's taken them so long to get it out -- it was a perfectly good romantic comedy/drama when we saw it, with plenty of humor and energy. I couldn't really think of anything wrong with it, and as a matter of fact, Andy Garcia was standing outside after the screening and we told him how much we liked the movie. I hope they didn't screw with it TOO much, it was fine the way it was!