Dead Mary
Dead Mary
NR | 20 February 2007 (USA)
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During a fun-filled getaway at a remote lake, teenager Kim (Dominique Swain) and her friends unwittingly unleash a murderous spirit when they make the mistake of playing the game 'Dead Mary' in this horror story. The body count rises as good friends are forced to hack each other to death, or face death themselves. Marie-Josee Colburn, Jefferson Brown, Steve McCarthy, Reagan Pasternak and Maggie Castle co-star.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
caitlinyates95 It was on netflix so i didn't expect perfection (netflix being infamous for scraping the barrel of the film world) but my god i just didn't understand what was even happening it was like they had two ideas "dead mary" and "zombie apocalypse" and did a mashup so i didn't know it was vague all the characters where horrible it was boring not scary and it might just be me but the blood in the bathroom after that guy who got his face chewed played dead mary what was the necessity it will bore you if you see this film and think i'll just give it a go Don't not worth it !!!!! A good point hmmmm it leaves the ending open for theories on what happened might keep you interested but it just annoyed me !
levismits Wow, this movie gets a lot of crap on IMDb and I think I know why. This is an Indie production that wasn't made on a five million dollar budget. Kids today are known for having the attention spans of four year olds. This is really sad cuz Dead Mary doesn't cater to these kids. Dead Mary is slow and the director obviously took his time to get the viewer familiar with the characters (you'll have to admit, for a horror flick, the character development is pretty deep)I love the cinematography, the way the movie was shot, the film that was used, the colors that were brought out during the editing. It all makes this little horror flick kinda special. It was made by people who genuinely wanted to create something new (instead of rebooting old horror franchises like all the big studios do nowadays). The story was okay and even though the whole 'dead Mary curse' isn't thoroughly explained by the filmmaker, yet, we are given enough clues to try to come up with an explanation of our own.A horror movie made by people who are obviously fans of the genre and a nice addition to my collection of 'twenty-somethings-getting-killed-in- cabins-in-the-woods' DVDS.
lionheartj I see people complaining about this movie being lame because its about a stupid game and they're wrong...The Demons were already at the cabin before they ever played the game! Ted was missing the whole movie (Guessing dead), Gas station was empty in the very beginning (all probably dead), No other vacationers in the area (Also probably dead)... and what eve said at the end, "What would you do if you two were the only ones left?" (or something like that) which hinted at the demons attacks not being an isolated incident and perhaps global.So yeah, the demons would have been there even if they never played the Dead mary game.
Paul Andrews Dead Mary is set at an isolated log cabin situated deep in the woods. Couples Kim (Dominique Swain) & Matt (Jefferson Brown), Lilly (Maggie Castle) & Bryce (Steven McCarthy), Amber (Reagan Pasternak) & Dash (Michael Majeski) plus odd one out Eve (Marie-Josée Colburn) who is on her own have all been invited to the cabin for the weekend by their friend Ted. There they hang out &, well not much else really. Suddenly someone comes up with the bright idea of playing Dead Mary, a campfire tale that states if you say 'Dead Mary' three times into a mirror said deceased female named Mary, who was a Witch when she could be described as Alive Mary, will come back from the dead & kill everyone. No-one really takes it seriously but do it anyway, then by the nights end they begin to wish they hadn't as Matt turns up mutilated in the woods possessed by something evil...This American Canadian co-production was directed by Robert Wilson & one has to say I though Dead Mary is a rather odd little teen horror film & a not particularly good one either. The script for Dead Mary is credited to Peter Sheldrick & Christopher Warre Smets although according to the IMDb while it started out as a typical teen slasher with a ghostly Dead Mary zombie rising from the lake to kill various teens director Wilson decided to change everything & have some unseen unknown & unexplained evil force possess the teens one-by-one & thus turn it into some sort of modern teens in peril in the woods in a log cabin mix between The Evil Dead (1981) & the body-snatching plot of The Thing (1982) as the second half of Dead Mary plays out exactly the same as John Carpenter's masterpiece with it trying to create a real sense of paranoia & mistrust. To be brutally honest Dead Mary is a mess, the first thirty minutes are so boring it's untrue, after ten minutes & absolutely nothing had happened I was becoming bored, after fifteen minutes I was past bored, after twenty minutes of nothing happening I was praying for some sort of dramatic incident & by the twenty five minute mark & still literally nothing of any significance had happened I had all but given up on it. Upto this point the entire film has been nothing but really dull dialogue between really dull character's, nothing that happens has any relevance to later on anyway which makes it even worse. Eventually the film kicks into gear & the body stealing plot starts to develop, to be fair this part of the film is alright but with such a small cast of character's there's not much the makers could do with the idea, they also reveal who is an evil clone far too easily & it's annoying to see people keep splitting up all the time. Also anyone possessed by whatever is possessing them seems intent on upsetting people by telling them that their boy/girlfriend is cheating on them! It's just odd to see a mutilated Matt for instance just sit there & tell everyone that their lover is cheating on them for no apparent reason. The plot is a bit of a mess, there is no solid or reasonable explanation for anything that happens, the ending is one of those frustrating ones which just cuts to black at a really annoying moment & leaves everything up in the air & whatever happened to Ted anyway?Director Wilson does alright here actually, the film has a very laid back & lazy feel to it with slow camera moves, lingering shots & a pace that at times if it was any slower the film would be going backwards. The gore levels are none existent, there's a couple of dead bodies, a burnt arm & some blood splatter but this isn't much off a PG. I don't remember any nudity either. The film is well shot with a fair bit of style & I did like the atmosphere of the final twenty odd minutes with the dark woods & pouring rain.Technically the film is pretty impressive with nice cinematography, there's no quick 'blink & you'll miss it' editing or shaky hand held camcorder shots either. Dead Mary certainly looks nice, it's just a shame the script is a total mess from start to finish. Apparently shot in Ontario in Canada. The acting is pretty good, while not Oscar worthy no-one stands out as being particularly bad & the girls look rather nice which helps.Dead Mary is a really odd film, the first thirty minutes will put most into a coma while the rest of it is some odd mix of Candyman (1992) with the whole urban myth surrounding saying someone's name three times The Evil Dead & The Thing but doesn't come close to being as good as any of those. I can't really see who would get anything out of Dead Mary I really don't.