The Breed
The Breed
R | 01 June 2006 (USA)
The Breed Trailers

Brothers John and Matt have inherited an island cabin from their recently deceased uncle. Along with Matt's girlfriend, Nicki, and other mutual friends, the siblings travel to the cabin for a relaxing weekend getaway. But, not long after arriving, the group is besieged by ravenous dogs. They watch in horror as another vacationer, Luke, is eaten alive. Soon, they discover a training facility where the dogs have been bred to kill.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
David Roggenkamp Cujo on Crack; if you don't believe me – watch the entirety of the movie.A series of events unfold an an island with a grisly secret. What should be just another vacation (or weekend) get away for a group of (presumably) college students, turns into a nightmare as they are hunted by a group of dogs that does not want them on the island. The verdict is out on just what exactly affects the dogs, but the group knows they need to get to safety or they will otherwise meet their fate with death.The movie isn't just Cujo for the new millennium; but rather has lots and lots of dogs afflicted with the same thing. Each is out to tear apart the group that is otherwise trespassing on 'their' island. Added for effect is the fact it is an island, their plane (they used a plane) sabotaged and drifting away, the vehicle they find is useless, and there is no signal from their cellphones. Not just typical of horror movies, but the movie focuses on humans trespassing in an area which is no longer their domain.The movie uses suspenseful music, moments which genuinely me (and presumably others) jump, and thriller moments where the hunted actually fight back. This isn't just another horror movie – it is a bit unique in many areas and many horror movies could do well to copy it.As a bonus? One of the one liners references Cujo. An enjoyable movie, to say the least.Originally posted to Orion Age (
pbrandon074 my name is brandon,i am 14 years old.i liked this movie.i recommend this movie.i bought this movie at walmart for $6.this movie is about five friends going to a deserted island by plane for a of them inherited the house in the island. the island was once controlled by a k9 research center .the dogs are genetically modified to hunt and kill every thing.they can not leave the way they came the dogs chewed the rope and it drifted away.the dogs came in the house, they had to hide in the attic over night.the next day they get to a old car that has problems starting. they drive to the other side and try to use a old radio at the old k9 center.they fail and spark a fire later only three of them left they find a boat and leave the island.i liked this movie.i think people should watch this once.......
gshmd This is a virtual copy of the 1959 film, "The Killer Shrews," complete with folks stranded on an island and being attacked by killer dogs (or dogs dressed up like shrews). Both films are equally bad. Everyone does the stupid things people always do in horror films. Every cliché you can imagine is on display here. It is astounding that Michelle Rodriguez, a competent actress, would appear in such schlock (and surrounded by very bad actors). I know, I know...she has to pay her rent, too! This movie is a dog! Bow-wow.No dogs were harmed in the writing of this review.Woof-woof!
spida I rated this movie higher than those who rated it previously simply because I am not that judgmental when it comes to movies. This is a horror/thriller so it can have a lot of latitude with plot, effects, and believability. Frankly, I think it accomplished it's goal. It scared the bejesus out of me. I watched it early in the a.m. while drinking the first two cups of coffee and reading my online newspaper. I certainly would not have wanted to view this one just before bed!! I would have slept with both eyes open. :) The cast is recognizable actors with good acting ability. The situation is scary since most people think of dogs as sweet and harmless. The isolated location and the 'training' facility makes this movie like Cujo meets Lost. Take this one just what it is: entertainment, and you will enjoy it. Look at it in comparison to Schindler's List, and you won't. Definitely a good thriller. Anyone not scared by a pack of blood-thirsty dogs with nothing to fear, don't bother to watch.