Wonderfully offbeat film!
Such a frustrating disappointment
Leoni Haney
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Rich Wright
What WOULD you do if you were stuck in a underground room with four other people for a month, with all the water you could drink but nothing to eat? Considering the irritation level of the individuals here, perhaps I wouldn't wait until starvation set in before killing them all. And I'm pretty sure you'd be driven even more insane than what is depicted here. But still, if you ever wanted an accurate representation of cannibalism, here it is in all its unflinching glory.Reminding me of an old Keira Knightley flop called The Hole and about a million other films where innocent people are abducted and forced into obeying the whims of a sadistic 'mastermind', at least this one has a bit more depth than most. We find out about the history of this manipulative psycho, and the final denouement is ingenious to say the least. It's still VERY generic in tone, but it could have been much worse. Just eat before viewing... 5/10
When I picked out this movie at blockbuster, I was not expecting it to be something that I hadn't seen before. I was dead wrong. I am a huge fan of psychological horrors, and this movie definitely is one. It is different, but not in a weird way. At first it actually reminded me a bit of saw, but I kind of like this one better. It really makes you think "What would I do if I were in this situation?" It also really captures the captures the different characters' personality, and I really think more horror movies could use some of that. The only reason for me giving it a 9 and not a 10, is that I maybe thought there could have been a bit more info on Jordan's past.
Fangoria Frightfest film number three is Hunger, which many people have compared to Saw. Yeah, this movie is Saw, if Saw had the people locked in an empty room, had no budget, and Jigsaw was a mute cannibal. Hunger is most defiantly a ten on the gross out scale, but besides that it has absolutely nothing going for it. Seldom have I seen a horror film that is as pointless or moves as slowly as Hunger did. The film is only one hundred minutes, but it felt as though I was watching it for days! The star of the film is veteran horror actress, Lori Huering, whose character is pretty well written, but is also unfortunately as dull as the rest of the cast. Most reviews for Hunger have been favorable and I can't understand that. Aside from the victims arguing with each other, there is hardly any dialogue. There is also zero character development, which is crucial in a film like this. If the audience doesn't give a damn about the victims or what happens to them, then what's the point? Hunger tries to shock you with it's level of gore, but more concerning is the lack of substance and the laziness of the film makers. Yes, the ripped off most of their ideas from Saw. Saw had a tremendous villain and a fascinating story that spawned six squeals, while this film is so lazy that after a month of isolation, the men's beards didn't even grow! Somehow, Hunger got to be part of a major horror festival, but it most defiantly represents the festivals lowest point.
Awakening to find themselves trapped in an underground bunker with no way out, a group of people find themselves subjected to an experiment in food deprivation to determine the effects of hunger on a person, and begin slowly loosing their humanity.A pretty dismal and really uneven entry, this one doesn't have all that much going for it. Beyond the initial appearance and trappings of a torture film, the particular area of study conducted by the madman dictates that hardly anything at all even happens in this one as they sit around talking to each other or attempting escapes while they're being watched over, letting the film seemingly go on forever with absolutely nothing happening or even getting any kinds of answers to questions since the lead psycho never utters a word and all of the notes undertaken don't come off legibly. While it does have some grisly, realistic violence and gore shown here, the fact that this is more of a human psyche study than an out-and-out carving up of the human body, it's not as suspenseful, chilling or even creepy as it stands and really only serves those looking for the deeper meanings while those looking for more traditional efforts will be utterly bored and disappointed.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.