R | 05 October 2012 (USA)
Stitches Trailers

The clumsy and unfunny clown Richard "Stitches" Grindle entertains at the 10th birthday party of little Tom, but the boy and his friends play a prank with Stitches, tying his shoelaces. Stitches slips, falls and dies. Six years later, Tom gives a birthday party for his friends at home, but Stitches revives to haunt the teenagers and revenge his death.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bachemar I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. Plenty of dark humor, groan worthy one liners and over the top gore made this a fun little film. Ross Noble, the actor playing the clown, makes a deliciously good villain. The young actors are surprisingly good and it is easy to find yourself rooting for them. Well, some of them. Some of them you can't wait to see what interesting way Stitches will dispatch them.
cavemould what a load of rubbish. It got a few laughs in the beginning with the humourless clown and his bad attitude and poor clown skills, but quickly went downhill from there. This movie is somehow even worse than the scary movie series which is also barely tolerable. I stopped watching at the point that ripping apart a man's genitals is presented as a humorous event. Had this been a clown ripping out a woman's genitalia, and everyone finding that hilarious I am pretty sure the movie would have been banned everywhere, but because its a man, its just fine, as men are objects to be abused and laughed at. Any time a man gets hurt or injured in a movie its a source of amusement, and any time a woman gets hurt or injured its a source of tragedy, even if its just her precious feelings. It's crass, cheap and offensive. That's why I gave this a 1/10 and didn't bother watching to the end.
Bezenby This is a fairly enjoyable throwback to those eighties/nineties supernatural Freddy Krueger one-liner killers. It's Irish, gory, and has Ross Noble in it. It kind of mostly works for me.A bunch of kid rip the pish out of Stitches the clown to the extant that he falls over at a party and impales himself on a knife. Six years later, these same kids have turned into all manner of annoying teenager (at least actually played by teenagers in this film).And it's the main kid's party! So obviously Stitches comes back from the dead to waste everyone, because, according to some sinister Clown guy at the start of the film, a clown must finish a party to find peace.Therefore, Stitches turns up again to kill all those folks from the original party, pulling their guts out, making balloon animals of their intestines, making their heads explode.While not everything works in this film, like it taking its time getting to the kills, and the dodgy one liners that Noble is forced to say, it's good enough for at least one viewing. It's gory enough and the kids involved are real enough (they almost reminded me of the Inbetweeners). Worth a look at least.
timelesswind To be honest I didn't expect much when I decided to watch this movie.A cast I hadn't heard of, an irish production and a comedy-horror story involving a killer clown, how good could it be? Well, I liked its cover and I like horror stories a lot so I decided to rent and watch it anyway. The result? I was really surprised about how good and refreshing this movie was. Don't expect to watch a really scary movie though. Stitches has some gory killing scenes but even during those scenes you will probably find yourself laughing (It might scare you a bit if you are not used to watching horror movies but that's it).Yes, the most unique and intriguing point of this movie is its dark, weird and even at times disturbing humor. If you can accept this kind of twisted humor that doesn't take anything seriously you will enjoy this movie a lot like I did. In addition, Stitches has some nice effects and even the killing scenes look decently natural and well-made. The flow is the movie is good and I think it will keep you entertained for its entirety. Another point I liked about this movie is that despite having some sexual content it doesn't really have nudity in it. I have gotten bored of seeing naked women in horror movies just for the sake of fan-service. Of course, it has some bad points too. For instance trying to fit in a love story in the plot was probably a bad choice and there are some common clichés laid here and there but nothing too bad. I think Stitches is a hidden gem and definitely worth watching so give it a try.