Cold Sweat
Cold Sweat
| 30 October 2010 (USA)
Cold Sweat Trailers

A young man searching for his missing girlfriend. An unconditional friend willing to do anything to uncover the truth. An investigation that culminates in an old house. Inside await two brutal murderers, armed with twenty-five boxes of explosives that were lost since the last military dictatorship.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
flash1971 I will never understand why people will vote so low on low budget B movies!!!!!!Rules before watching a B Movie:First, lower your expectations! There will be flaws, some bad acting, and music scores that don't always match up. It's what makes a B movie a B movie!Second, have fun with it! Watch it to be entertained!Third, don't nit pick it to death! Once again, it's a B movie! I really liked this movie. I was floored when I saw all the bad reviews! A B movie will not be perfect which is part of what I find entertaining about them! This movie is so different from the mainstream cinema and other generic horror movies. Do you really want to see another movie about a car full of teenagers going out to some secluded area and getting killed off one by one. Do you really want to see another slow paced average found footage type film with no music and lame acting. This movie is nothing like that! It's original and fun! It has a little of everything. To the lameo who said why didn't he just call the police or get out of the house? The guy didn't have a signal for phone and the doors/windows were all locked up! Duh! This is no different than any other horror movie these days which always gets established early on in the movie. Obviously the guy was able to get get on the houses WIFI to connect to the internet. It could happen! Good B Movie for those who enjoy B movies! Main stream movie lovers, stay away from this movie and stop writing bad reviews you know nothing about.
Jakksid First of all, I have nothing against slow-paced movies. In fact, some of my all time favorites are considered downright boring by many. However, when a film contains scenes where the alleged "heroine" has escaped and is standing by a doorway and watching the "villian" (the guy I ended up rooting for after countless acts of stupidity from the two central characters) harmlessly typing on a computer yet does nothing... There is a problem. Three minutes later, and after two long shots of a weapon lying on a nearby table from her point of view, and still nothing has happened... Well, then things simply become infuriating. In fact, the film even cuts away to another scene halfway through, only to return to the woman gaping at the bad guy as opposed to, you know... moving. At all. By this point most people have just stopped caring and all tension is lost.That scene pretty much summed up the movie for me. Repeated acts of stupidity + nothing happening = A lot of frustration and boredom for the viewer. Half the scenes are in super slow motion, the characters who were meek suddenly become tough, wisecracking (well, the script/actor's attempts at it) heroes due to an inconsistent script and the acting is sub par to cap it off. My Final Rating - 3/10. "Cold Sweat" would definitely work better as a 30 minute short than the full length feature movie it was dragged out to be. All in all, there are about three good scenes in the whole movie, hence the rating. Although to find those scenes you need to ride through the tedious waves of the film at a snail's pace which, in my opinion, is not worth the effort.
angrykitten I came by to read the reviews after watching this movie and I'm surprised they're so negative! I didn't expect much of it after recently watching another Latin American horror movie, Somos lo que hay, which I found insufferably boring, but this one was really worth my while. The atmosphere is dark and gritty, the main characters are likable and believable, and I loved the soundtrack (I'll be looking it up on the internet now). It might not be a cinematic masterpiece but it's definitely more entertaining that your average cookie-cutter boring torture movie. I had a great time with this movie and I recommend it to anyone who wants to have a fun and tense evening with friends. There is some nudity on it and some gory moments, but it it more centered around the plot than around blood, boobs and guts.
Charles Whelfer Simply boring.You may see lots of films like this one on a festival, but let me tell you all: big tits does not create a good movie (by fact they weren't so big, it's just a manner of say).Actin: was very poor along the movie. Music/soundtrack: doesn't make you get into the scene. Camera motion: at least hire people with a bit of experience.Again: TOTALLY BORING. It's not worth seeing itI've not seen movies of this genre coming from those countries including what it takes to be more than low cost productions and this one is not helping to turn that away.