R | 16 May 2014 (USA)
Sx_Tape Trailers

From the director of CANDYMAN and the producers of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY comes a found-footage nightmare of lust, possession, and destruction. Jill's an artist. Ian's a filmmaker. And their love life is off the chain. There's no experience too wild, no dare too dangerous—not even when Jill lets Ian strap her to a gurney in the abandoned hospital they're scoping out for their next art show. But he shouldn't have left her alone. Not even as a joke. Now, Jill's hookup with horror has awakened something in that place. Something with a lust for more than flesh.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
TdSmth5 A girl is interviewed by the police. He mentions a tape, that her boyfriend is dead and that two others are missing.And now we get to see the tape. Basically a guy films his girlfriend at all times. She's a painter, free spirit, fun-loving, wild and very cute. We follow them one day as they mess around, go to a coffee shop, into a store, then drive around as he shows her a place that could be used for a fancy art exhibition of her work. The place is an abandoned hospital. She of course rushes in through the fence and goes inside. He's reluctant but joins her. And of course everything seems fascinating to her. Incubators, children's toys, old beds. She gets on one and he restrains her. Then he leaves here there for a good while. A ghost appears and enters into her of sorts. At some point she starts bleeding profusely out of her nose. As they leave, he car is being towed so she calls a friend. A couple arrives. They of course wants to see the place. So even though the girl was freaking out earlier now she goes back in. They start tagging the walls. This new guy is a complete jerk and a bully. He even has a gun with him and gets very touchy with the girl even though his girlfriend is right there. They separate, run into each other again. Our first couple meets up, discovers the archive room and she finds some tape and a file and starts bleeding again. Meanwhile camera guy finds a room with cameras and sees what actually happened to the other couple and why they are missing. But his girl flips out once again. At the end we get some more background story of the place and its patients.sxtape has one big advantage over all other crappy found footage tapes. It's centers on an attractive girl. If you are going to make a lame POV movie, that's what you want, your camera on a pretty girl occasionally in erotic situations. And this movie for the first half hour is fun and entertaining. But from there it goes downhill when the other couple arrives an we get nothing but abusive and obnoxious behavior. While the background of the hospital and the patients is interesting enough the movie unfortunately settles for psychological terror, which is never particularly scary let along interesting. A decent effort to rehabilitate the dreadful POV horror subgenre that doesn't go far enough.
Brandon Lewis I love any and all things horror and found footage stuff is always worth a look for me. Since this was free to watch (look around), I figured I would do one of those 10 minute run throughs. Watch the first scene, fast forward looking for good parts, back up if I hit one, and then watch the ending. I ended up watching the whole damn thing. Quite liked it. It's no Grave Encounters, but it's worth a watch for sure. 9 times out of 10, if the IMDb reviews suck..they're usually spot on. Completely disagree here. Some of the bad reviews seem to be from people who don't even like found footage in the first place. Not sure why they posted here. I'd definitely recommend it though. Good stuff. Rate it 8/10 on a horror movie scale.
cognos78 I didn't want to write a review about this flick but after I saw the ridiculous 3.9 rating I had to write something good about it. The first thing to say that almost the whole movie is filmed with a hand-held camera - like Blairwitch Project, REC, Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield etc. I've seen quite some flicks in this pseudo amateurish camera style and I have to say that this and REC are clearly the best I've seen so far. You may dislike the content and characters of this movie. You may even dislike the whole plot,story or setting BUT there are 3 things you cant ignore. First, the whole cinematography is really good. It begins with gimpses of the fun-loving, naive life of Jill and Adam which slowly transforms into a very intense psychological, nihilistic, surrealistic horror show. The atmospheric shots of the abandoned mansion environment are great. And last but not least - I really liked the performance of Caitlyn Folley as Jill. Don't get me wrong, this flick is not a mind blowing piece of art and you cant take such flicks too seriously. In the very last 2 seconds the movie makes that abundantly clear. This movie is a good, solid psychological horror shocker - nothing more, nothing less - and it should be rated accordingly. 7/10Give it a try. It's a good ride.
victoryismineblast A young couple embark on a road trip to an abandoned hospital with the man filming everything along the way. The woman is a painter and the idea is to scope out the hospital to hold an art show there at a later time.When their car is towed, they call a couple of friends to pick them up, but plans change and they all re-enter the building. This is when bad things start happening as supernatural forces begin to manifest.The characters are so annoying and their decisions either do not make sense or just plain drive you crazy. Too little happens too late and what does happen is not very interesting. If there were more supernatural goings on and the characters were more likable I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more.