The Zombinator
The Zombinator
R | 15 September 2012 (USA)
The Zombinator Trailers

College students from Youngstown, Ohio were planning a simple fashion blogging documentary before a zombie invasion changed their film, and their lives. Teaming up with an ex-soldier turned zombie-hunter, the co-eds face threats from the undead and their corporate overlords.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
goldenashes-220-531796 I have never wished more that i had watched a trailer or read a review before watching this film. This is the masterclass in what not to do when making a film. 1. Give actors absolutely no character or comprehensible script...instead tell them just to shout things that sound like words repeatedly and discuss the philosophical points of zombies and ghosts...2.Make sure the camera never focuses, frames or shows what it is that is trying to be shown. Also don't drop the sound mic throughout an entire zombie apocalypse...3 Whatever you do, don't have a plot, a plan or a sense of a beginning, middle or an end... 4 Loosely attempt to criticize the government using two dimensional characters.5. wait i just remembered that the band in the beginning were actually very good! if only they did a soundtrack for the film... Quite frankly no film has ever inspired me to write a review but this one i felt it my civic duty to warn people not to watch. do not waste the time you will never get it back!
emt_guy2000 Okay, it's time to rip this steamer to pieces... While I am a huge fan of the zombie genre, this unmitigated disaster made me want to seek damages. I will never get this time back! From the insane overacting, the plot that wasn't, and the titular character ( a black trench coat clad Blade clone) who appears for about 30 seconds in the entire film, this is 85 minutes of pure horrible.I mean, you can't even make fun of it, it would be like slapping a blind kid. So if you feel the need to cause yourself pain, just drive nails into your forehead. It would be less painful and far more entertaining for those around you than subjecting yourself to this pile of crap.
ginny67-898-742173 Terrible acting, shear stupidity. Worse than the Blair Witch. I puked because I ate Felato with this and the camera was ALL OVER, loud screaming. My next door neighbor looks scarier than these zombies and has better make up. If your feces could make a film, it would be this. It takes half the movie to get to a zombie. If stupid could be defined by a movie, this is the movie that would define it. I think it is the worst movie I have ever seen in my lifetime.It doesn't even make sense. Its like a bunch of really dumb teens smoked a lot of crack and decided to make a movie
scottfeenan I LOVE well made Zombie films and even a few "dodgy ones" but there is nothing on this Earth I despise more than Zombie films like this. It is shot on a camcorder and if done properly (rec-spanish version) can make for a good film. I will describe the film as follows:Give a camcorder to a bunch of teens with no acting skills and script. Tell them to aimlessly run around and shout over each other. Get some of their friends to smear fake blood on their faces and grin at the camera. the result-The Zombinator.Its actually making angry that I watched this drivel, 90 minutes of my life i won't get back.How this film got 8.4/10 makes me speechless. I'm guessing the people involved in the film have been on here voting. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!