Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
R | 09 October 2012 (USA)
Werewolf: The Beast Among Us Trailers

Set in a 19th century village, a young man studying under a local doctor joins a team of hunters on the trail of a wolf-like creature.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
seoirseuiduic Werewolf: The Beast Among UsWerewolf: The Beast Among Us is a 2012 action werewolf horror movie directed by Louis Morneau. The movie stars Nia Peeples, Steven Bauer, and Guy Wilson. While I usually like horror movies and movies with vampires and werewolves this one was so badly made I got bored very quickly. The special effects are not bad but the acting and the storyline are atrocious. After 15 minutes it is clear who the werewolf is and how the rest of the movie will go. The actors don't really convince me either. It is supposed to be set in 19th century Transylvania but the clothing and beliefs are all wrong for the region and much closer to Bram Stoker's Dracula. I managed to watch the movie till the end but won't buy the movie for my collection. I give it 3 stars for the visual spectacles even though it is sometimes a bit too dark and fuzzy. If you want to watch a predictable werewolf movie with some nice CGI and other fancy special effects stuff you'll like it. As a werewolf movie fanatic I found it quite dull.
Katy Walker I actually enjoyed this movie, quite a bit. Sure, some things were lacking, but nothing is perfect.There's parts, like the others said, that are a little fuzzy - it's supposed to be set in a certain era, but there's parts of it that are obviously very modern - which I'll leave for you to find for yourself. There was also quite a bit of mutilated bodies and enough gore that it stood up to its genre - without being too over-the-top.The thing that made the movie for me was the fact that it had so many twists, and until the "click" came along (the sudden understanding), I was constantly guessing - also - the ending is quite marvellous - I was thrilled. It doesn't leave you with the let-down feeling that 90% of modern Werewolf movies tend to do - this is MUCH better than its rating suggests.So, yeah. For not being another let down as so many werewolf movies are - 9.
scythe08 After reading some of the reviews, I was convinced that I would enjoy this film. I wasn't wrong at all. The characters were fun and interesting and the story was quite good at keeping me guessing all the way until the final act when yet another surprise was sprung upon the viewers. The scenery is quite good and the music compliments the movie. The actors all pull their weight and their are some really good fight scenes. I will be adding this to my collection.If I had seen this in a theater, I would have been happy to see this in a theater. I think it was a lot better than the crap that has been regurgitated over and over again.
Lord Aragon It is so difficult to list the names of ten half decent werewolf films. Its a genre which is grossly under explored. We, the fans of this genre are still waiting for that ONE defining werewolf movie, our STAR WARS ! Getting back to the movie, it is a pretty decent one compared to those multi million trash we seen being churned out regularly, and yes please don't mention the g*dawful Twilight dirt. There are historical blunders in this movie but if you are able to overlook them, you get a decent tale of a werewolf hunting down people in a village, who in turn hire a group of hunters to hunt it down. It has a few decent twists. In total, a so - so movie but much much better than the usual Hollywood "blockbuster" trash.