R | 11 January 2007 (USA)
Pathfinder Trailers

A Viking boy is left behind after his clan battles a Native American tribe. Raised within the tribe, he ultimately becomes their savior in a fight against the Norsemen.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
grantss Started well and gave me high hopes for the movie, despite its no-star cast. But the further one got into the movie, the more hole-ridden and formulaic the plot became. Very disappointing in the end.
Dusan Petrovic A Viking boy, Ghost is left behind battles a Native American tribe. Raised within the tribe ( Dawsons ), he ultimately becomes their savior in fight against the Norsmen ( The Vikings ) A. K. A The Dragons. However, the truth was that Vikings'd been burgled Britannia, Ireland and coasts of America ( approximately 600 years before "The Conquest of Peradise " 1492 A.D. ) happening. So, if I'd understood everything right, Americans should be thankful to the Vikings, because they were American dawning consciousness. Sincerelly, yours Dushan Petrovic ( Jurija Gagarina 143/92, 11070 New Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Robin Turner Pathfinder ought to be a terrible film. It's about as historically accurate as Braveheart and completely unoriginal, being essentially a remake of the (very good) Norwegian film of the same name, with bits of First Blood, Kato's Land and Fuqua's King Arthur thrown in. But if you can stop yourself going "Dude, Vikings didn't have cavalry!"* and suchlike, you can enjoy it as a straightforward action/fantasy film. It's the usual story of the bad guys who burn the village and the hero who stops them, which means it has funky barbarian costumes, cool weapons** and traps, spectacular landscapes and of course lots of fight scenes, and the fight scenes are done really well. As a bonus, it's beautifully filmed.* OK, Vikings did sometimes use horses as transport, but they didn't take them on their ships; they stole them when they arrived, and in America there would have been no horses to steal. ** Including one-handed flails, which didn't appear until the late Middle Ages.
nvjs From the start, Pathfinder was Bad. The direction was weak. Nispel clearly doesn't have the chops to do action. Which should say something since it requires the least experience to break into films. Nispel's other films were "Frankenstein", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", and the re-imaging of "Friday the 13th". All horror films. Pathfinder hopefully will be his first and last attempt at making action films this bad. Like I've criticized Mark Steven Johnson for is the same as Nispel for printing the first and probably the only takes. The actors are of the amateur caliber under Nispel's direction with over/under doing it. But Pathfinder doesn't try to be anything it isn't. With that said, it doesn't try to make a concerted effort at the whole action theme either. What does salvage the film from being a total waste is Daniel Pearl's lush and rich color palette darkening that gives the film a moody and ominous look and feel. The art direction and production design are also to the film's benefit. The Vikings or Norsemen truly look feral and formidable with the anachronistic and faux pas goat horns and canine riddled helmets. This truly gives them a touch of aesthetics to help sell the idea that the Natives are over-matched.Clearly, Nispel felt that the less we know about either faction, the less sympathy we'd have for either. It seems the Natives were meant, merely fodder for gratuitous (yawn) scenes which are gratuitous for the sake of gratuity and to make you feel contempt for the Vikings. The whole "story" is that the Vikings, for sheer boredom decide to satiate their inexplicable desire to just kill "savages". There isn't any "McGuffin" here to help move the story forward, no exposition for the characters, little if any semblance for the hero, Ghost's dramatic arc where he learns something about himself for personal growth, and a page ripped from the Michael Bay book of film making: Tell the story without cliché'd words. Use action and random explosions as the characters,story, and plot. By the way, Michael Bay was a producer on "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". So if Nispel's learned anything from him, it's how to emulate him. That is NOT a compliment.